How do they sleep(actual sleep)with you

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He'd stay awake over night his job keeping him up wether that be late night shifts or work at home if he's not busy working he'd cuddle with you while sleeping. Big spoon.


He'd most likely steal the blankets off of you, you'd both be fighting in your sleep over the blankets most night so you'd both be confused why your bascially tangled in each other with the blanket on the floor. Stubborn little spoon.


He sleeps in his underwear can't lie, he gets hot easily so barely any cuddling. Big spoon.


This man cuddles all the time, he's always tired in game so I always thought he had some kind of insomnia so you always stay awake with him when his insomnia gets bad. Big spoon


Cuddles yes ofc and he's a back sleeper he also always tries to keep conact with you while sleeping he has to be touching you. Both big spoon and little spoon.


She always wraps around you so your both like in a kind of bend position with her arms and legs around you. Big spoon.


This man has several pillows so you always go by his side and lay on the pillows which annoys him both of you may or may not of fallen off of the bed once because of the other. Small spoon but says he's big spoon.


She gets home late a lot of nights and sometimes just falls asleep on the couch when she actually sleeps in the bed she plays music to sleep to and you guys always end up waking up with one holding on to the other. Big spoon sometimes small spoon.


She cuddles in her sleep wether that be a pillow, a blanket, a plush, or you, she's hanging onto something. Big spoon sometimes mostly small spoon if awake.


She doesn't cuddle often she's usually facing the other way so you end up just grabbing onto her which sometimes ends up with her trying to push you away *unsucsessfully* or just her laying there. Big spoon and little spoon.

[I had some kinda block for this sorry hope you like these new headcanons {i'm at school rn risky right?} bye <3)

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