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i. FTR / RR

❛ Under Jeju's pellucid waters
was you. The true epiphany
for ⠀who⠀ I ⠀really ⠀ am. ❜


✦ - Squid Game contains a lot
of gore, most that I cannot cen-
sore throughout the book. If
you're sensitive with the men-
tions of blood, please take care
of yourself and not proceed.

✦ - Profanities will be often
used. You know the risk if you
watched the show.

✦ - The TV Series is violent
and graphic. For those who
have watched it that're a -
ware and willing to proceed,
please skip to the reminders.

✦ - There will be explicit
scenes I will censor for the
sake of comfort of the vie-
wers and the actors involved.

✦ - If you're 15 and below,
please read at your own risk.


✦ - Most chapters will be re-
leased without being proofread.

✦ - This is an xfem!oc but if
you wish to insert your own
name and envision it as you,
feel free to do so, but I cannot
guarantee that it will be ac -

✦ - English is not my first la-
nguage. Please be gentle with
my grammars, spellings, capi-
talisations and punctuations.

✦ - I follow the UK spellings
for words such as 'realise' ins-
tead of the usual American
version, 'realize'.

✦ - Even despite being Asian,
I don't know many things about
Korea and their traditions, but I
will do my best to do my re -
search for accuracy.

✦ - I do not condone any form
of hate. If you have something
to say, please make sure it is ne-

✦ - I'm open to corrections, but
not insults.

✦ - There will be little explicit
scenes throughout the book.
I will give a warning so you'll
be able to skip it.

✦ - If you have any questions,
feel free to insert them here →
My team and I will try our best
to answer you as soon as possi-

The Team : - - - -

✦ - I will not accept comments
containing racism, hate against
the LGBT community, bullying,
sl*t-shaming, political discus -
sions, anything that revolves
around hating. This book is not
your middle school diary.

✦ - With everything made crys-
tal clear, please scroll down, or
to your right in order for the
game to commence.

║▌│█║▌│ █║▌│█│║▌║
O8 / 1O / 2O21 ' SQUID GAME

KANG SAE-BYEOK ' PELLUCID WATERSWhere stories live. Discover now