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{Failed Escape}

"haha! "

You finally opened the lock of the room. You immediately kicks the door as it slammed onto the wall. You don't care that it will caused the ruckus that will alerted Deimos and the others. At least you don't need to stay in this places that filled with boredom.

" wait... What should I do next-"

You feels something flying to you. You quickly duck down as a hook flies across above your head. Damn, that was close.

" isn't that very idiot for you to slams the door? "

" well I don't care, ugly. I'm bored. Staying in this room is worst than purgatory.. "

You said while swinging your arms around like this is nothing big. As Sanford frowns.

" so you're bored, huh? Oh I'll make this interesting. "

Sanford said as he cracks his knuckles. As you chuckles as your smug and excited grin appeared on your faces again as you holds your wooden knife.

" well, I don't mind having a dance with ya. "

Sanford may be like a huge guy. But he's faster than you imagine. But that's alright, you know his weakness. As Sanford swings his hook at you. You moves to the side and dodges the hook as you quickly charges to Sanford.

You can sees Sanford's eyes widened in surprised. But before you can stabs him with your wooden knife. He grabs your clothes and holds you against the wall.

But as he thought he wins. Suddenly a leg kicks his chin, which is yours. He let go of you and back away. Groaning in pain as he holds his chin. You chuckles as you look at him.

" well you got a strong kick. Don't you? "

" I'm trained, y'know. "

" be lucky Hank isn't even here... "

" so what? Didn't he died before? C'mon man, everything is boring before the MADNESS filled this world. But I was getting blocked before I can do anything else interesting. Plus, I JoIn the A.A.H.W. is not for eliminating Hank, the danger of this world. I joined it for the fun! "

You said with a cheeky smile with a giggle. But in Sanford's eyes, you're just another crazy bastard.

" the world has literally became like this. What do you mean this is FUN?! "

" well then, why do you even join Hank in the first place. You does know he's the one who created this Madness. "

You said. As Sanford stunned for a while. You chuckles softly as you continues.

" if you despises the Madness in the first place, why didn't you killed Hank already? "

" I-"

" oh I knew it, because you fear death too. You fear the purgatory. Aren't you? "

" you... Shut up.. "

" you fear Hank J. Wimbleton. Don't you...? "

But then the next thing is, a sharp pain appeared on your neck as you blacked out again....

- 3rd person pov -

As Hank look at unconscious agent that he knocked out for the second time. Then moves his eyes to Sanford. Sanford jumps in pure fear when Hank look at him.

But soon Hank moves his attention back to (Y/n) as he picks her up. And took her back into the room. As Hank look at Sanford again.

"beware... "

Hank said to Sanford with his hand sign. As he walks away. Leaving Sanford there, standing alone as he was stunned...

" she has high-intelligent and she's really good at figuring people out. So beware of her words, San. "

Sanford gulps as he look back at the room. Where (Y/n) was inside.

" no way... She even figure it out..? "

Sanford mutters as he scratches the back of his neck...


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