preparing for war

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Mayia and Elrond walked down the hallway to go see the the Army. When they saw Mayia they all snapped to attention. She surprised her that they did that.
"Hello my Lady"  A male elf said looking straight ahead still standing at attention.
"Hello" Mayia replied
"You guys don't have to be so serious right know."
"I'm sorry my lady we saw you and we instantly went to attention because you are our commander. Its are instinct to go to attention when we see you or your father."
"Its OK. Gather around I need to talk to you guys." Mayia said. They all gathered around Mayia And Elrond.
"Okay so as you all ready know we are going to war. This isn't a surprise to you. You also know I am your commander. My father will also be a commander. Also Mirkwood is also bringing their army. King Thranduil and His son Legolas will be leading the army." Mayia went quiet and had tears in her eyes and Elrond put a hand on Mayias shoulder. But she quickly pulled her self together.
"Any way. We are walking into this war together. You are my brothers and sisters I love you guys and I am more than Willing to die for you so you can live to see your families again. I can not think of a Better way to die. So with that said any questions?"
"Okay what is it?"
"If I may who is King Thranduil and Prince Legolas mean to you?"
"I do not think she want to answer those questions." Elrond said.
"No it's ok. Thranduil saved me when I was attacked by orcs and trolls that time I was in the mirkwood forest. He helped me. And after sometime we fell in love. And he is my future husband and Legolas will soon be my step son."
"Why are you not with them?" The male elf asked
"Because Rivendell is my birth place and forever my home. And this is my army and I will lead to victory without fail that is my promise to you." Mayia explained
"Thank you my queen-" Mayia cut him off
"No I am mayia I am not a queen"
"Well thank you Mayia. With you leading up there is a good chance that we will see our families again we are forever thankful."
"Your welcome. What is your name?"
"Sebastian my lady"
"Well Sebastian. I would like you to be a commander of this army with me and my father."
"I do not think I am fit to lead a army with you and your father."
"Sebastian, She has never picked someone from the Army to help lead her army. My Daughter must see something in you. I would take this chance." Elrond said.
"Thank you my lady it is a honor to work my your side." Sebastian said.
"First thing first we have gifts from Mirkwood."
"Okay! Get In line!" Mayia shouted
Before she could blink everyone was in a straight line. Mayia had wagons filled with new weapons and armour. Everyone got a new bow, arrows and swords. Elrond, Mayia and Sebastian got gold armour and weapons. Elrond got a sword, Sebastian got a sword and two daggers. And Mayia got two twin swords that thranduil gave her and a bow with arrows.
"Sebastian!" Mayia shouted
"You and I are going to mirkwood now!"
Elrond brought to white horses and Sebastian and Mayia we off to Mirkwood. Where they would decide how this battle would conclude.

That went well!! I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! Comment below!! What do you think about Sebastian?? Comment!!!
With love

The Love of the King:Love and WarDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora