Chapter 1: Confusion

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Grayson groaned as he woke up to the sound of phones annoying default alarm sound. He rolled over, picked up his phone, and hit the stop button, before scrolling through his emails and texts before he had to get ready for work.

After putting on his basic uniform, he went downstairs to see his parents and siblings watching some random kids show in the living room.

"Oh, he's alive." Grayson's mother said sarcastically.

Mary Hayward was a great person and an amazing mother, but she always managed to say some weird sarcastic remark every time one of her four children woke up.

"Yea yea yea, good morning to you mother." Grayson said a bit annoyed as he rubbed his tired eyes. "Can one of you take me to work?" He asked  his parents.

"Sure bud, I'll meet you in the car." His father replied.

Tom Hayward was a kind man, who was always there for his family, especially his children. Anytime one of his kids needed a ride, or a family member needed a favor, without hesitation he immediately did whatever he could to help them, even if it was a major inconvenience to him.

"You know you're 21 right? If you had your license you could just drive yourself to work." Mary said, half joking.

"I'm kind of surprised that you've never said that before." Grayson replied sarcastically, as he rolled his eyes. "Tell you what mom, when I have a job that I actually like and actually pays me a livable wage, I'll get right on that."


Ten minutes later, Tom Hayward pulled up to the local grocery store to drop off his oldest child.

"You're done at 3 o'clock right?" He asked?

"Yep, thanks for the ride dad. Love you." Grayson replied in a depressed tone as he stepped out of his parents mini van and begrudgingly walked into the store.


After a couple hours of boredom and shelf stocking, the store PA system goes off.

"Grayson to the managers office. Grayson to the managers office. Thank you."

Grayson makes his way to the managers office, very confused as to why he's being called.

"Hey Loretta, you wanted to see me?" Grayson asks as he enters the office.

"Yes, hi Grayson, take a seat." Loretta says, motioning to the chair in front of her desk. "We really appreciate all the work you've done here over the past year."

"Umm thank you?" Grayson replies, wondering what this random compliment could be leading to.

"Unfortunately though, I'm afraid we're going at I have to let you go." Loretta says with a frown.

"WHAT? YOU'RE FIRING ME?! Grayson exclaims.

"I'm afraid so. The store is making budget cuts and we just can't afford to keep everyone on." Loretta explains with a bland expression on her face.

"What?" Grayson asked confused. "You literally announced just last week to the entire staff that the store was doing great and was the most profitable branch on the state! How can there possibly be a need for budget cuts?!"

"I don't have to explain that to you." Loretta answers with a rude tone. "You are more than welcome to finish your shift."

"Hell no, screw that. There's noway that's happening. Enjoy continuing to be hated by all your employees bitch!" Grayson exclaims as he walked out of the office, and calls his father for a ride.


A few minutes later, Grayson sees his dad pull up to take him home. Noticing his sons pissed off expression he asks: "Everything ok bud?"

"Not really no. They fired me for budget cuts, but I highly doubt there was need for it. I think they just didn't like me for whatever reason." He replied.

"Do you want to look into taking legal action? There might be a false termination case here." Tom responds.

"I honestly don't. Part of me is glad to be done with that place. I'm just a little pissed that I'm basically screwed. I'm not in school right now, I have no job prospects, and I'm not sure what I'm going to do."

"Don't worry son. We'll figure it out. Your mother and I are always here for you." Tom replied.


After getting home and explaining everything that happened, Grayson decided to just try and push it out of his mind and take the rest of the day to relax and have a Marvel movie marathon with his brother, Ricky, and his sisters, Tessa and Rosie

That night, after his family had all gone to bed he was surfing on watching his favorite wrestlers best matches through this career. Seth Rollins has been a huge inspiration and a hero to Grayson since Seth's days of performing as Tyler Black on Ring of Honor. Feeling lost and confused, Grayson decided to apply to Seth's wrestling school just for fun, and to see if they would even want him. After filling in the basic information and writhing the small paragraph essay explaining why he wanted to attend the school, Grayson submitted it, and headed off to bed, not expecting anything to come of it.



Sorry this chapter was a bit boring but I feel like it was was necessary to provide some backstory and vital information about Grayson's family. I'm excited for the future of this story and hope y'all enjoy.

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