[1] An Average Night

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(Y/n) P.O.V
I sit quietly waiting for Jojo to arrive. It was dark and chilly tonight so I was hoping he'd be on his way. We have been working on a special project, Jojo won't exactly tell the reason we're doing this. I assume it's just for fun or something.

Maybe just to get out his creative juices. He doesn't get to do much of that at home. I hear foots steps near me and I turn to see Jojo. As I expected, no one really comes around here except for us. "Hey Jojo!" I shout walking to him.

He gives me a smile as he walks to me. I know he doesn't like to talk much so I don't force him. When it comes to conversation it never feels hard to communicate, even if I'm usually the only one who's talking. He's always there to listen and I glad we're able to understand each other like that.

" You're and bit later then usually, I'm guessing it has something to do with your dad?" I ask. He nods with a annoyed look on his face."Something about needing to talk and see eye to eye?" I continue and he nods again proving to me I was right.

"Sounds like a headache to deal with that, but I'm glad to say I found some more things for our project! Trust me these are going to sound great!" I say carrying the many tools, gadgets and probably a lot more junk I found.

He gives me a big grin as he helps me carrying all the stuff in.
Yes I know that was short but more stuff is on the way trust me! Anywho byee!

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