The Forging of a Hero

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"Well, kid looks like you have a quirk that boosts your IQ higher than most of the smartest people to exist." The doctor tells a five-year-old Izuku and Izuku's eyes glow. "Wow so you're saying I'm gonna be really smart?!" The doctor chuckles and says, "Yes young one" Inko can't help but smile and say, "Wow looks like there's going to be a scientist in the house!" Izuku pauses for a second and asks, "But what about being a hero?" 

The doctor looks down and says, "Well that's going to depend on you due to your quirk not being physically powerful." Izuku thinks for a second and says, "Then I'll train! I mean Erasurehead's quirk is basically his eyes so if he can do it then I can too!" The doctor and Inko smile at his determination. "Then I wish you luck kid." Inko grabs Izuku's hand ad they leave. "Thank you for your time doctor."

Inko and Izuku go home and once they arrive Izuku asks, "Mom can I meet Kat and Mel at the park?" Inko looks at the clock then back at Izuku and says, "Alright but be back before dinner." Izuku nods and quickly puts his shoes on. "Thanks Mom, see you!" Izuku walks to the park where he sees Bakugo and Melissa standing by the sandpit, he walks over to them and says, "Hey guys!" 

They turn around and say, "Hey nerd/Izuku.'' Izuku gets back to why he's there and says, "So have you guys got your quirks?" Bakugo smiles and says, "Yeah mine is called explosion!" Bakugo activates his quirk and miniature explosions pop out of his hands "If I train hard enough I'll become the number one hero!"

Izuku's eyes widen in amazement. "Whoah that's so cool Kat! What about you Mel?" Melissa looks down which Izuku and Bakugo notice. "I-I'm quirkless." There is silence for a minute until Izuku breaks it by saying, "So what, I'm practically quirkless even with my quirk." Melissa looks up and asks, "Then what's your quirk Izuku?" Izuku smiled at Melissa. "It's called Intelligence and all it does is boost my IQ." Melissa cheers up after hearing Izuku's words. "Thanks for that Izuku." Bakugo chimes as he says, "Yeah that was a cool thing to say nerd."

Izuku thinks for a minute then says, "Anyway instead of being a hero why not be an inventor? That's what I might do to help me be a hero so why not have a helping hand?" Melissa thinks about his offer and says, "I'll do it! I'll be a greater inventor than my dad!" Izuku smiles and pumps his fists. "That's the spirit, and Kat with our help we can make you gear that will surely get you to the number one spot." Bakugo smirked. "Hell yeah we'll be the best trio that Japan will ever see!" they all agree and spend the rest of the day talking about their future and having fun.

Over the next ten years, Izuku and Melissa built machines along with support gear and sold them to hero agencies for money and they would buy equipment for their advanced inventions. In school, Izuku and Melissa would get bullied for having a "weak quirk" and being quirkless. The constant verbal abuse would make Izuku learn hand-to-hand combat for self-defense when Bakugou wasn't around. 

It's now their last day of middle school, the teacher enters and says, "Alright calm down I know it's your last day but it's time to think about your future." He takes out a large pile of papers. "You will have to fill these out before you leave." The class groans but the teacher throws the papers in the air. "Who am I kidding I know you all want to be heroes!" the class erupts in cheers and activates their quirks except Izuku, Melissa, and Bakugo as they remain quiet. 

The teacher takes out a paper and says, "Alright calm down. Now we have a few students that signed up for UA." The class began to murmur because UA has a 0.2% acceptance rate. The teacher looks at the paper and says, "Bakugo for the hero course, with your quirk and grades you have the potential to get in." 

Bakugo smirks and says, "Damn right!" The teacher continues, "Midoriya for the hero course, with your high IQ you always find a way to get through the obstacles." Midoriya smiled and nodded. The teacher continued, "And Shield for the support course, with all the ideas you have I'm sure you could blow them away with one of your inventions." Melissa smiles and says, "Thank you." The bell rings and class is dismissed.

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