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"So what did you need, Emma?" you asked the girl standing in front of you with pleading eyes. "Well I wanted to say I'm sorry.. for so many things. I really did a lot of fucked up things to you I don't even know how or why but I am so sorry.. please forgive me." The said girl stood in front of you, teary eyed, and depressed. You sighed, "Emma.." you started. "I don't hate you." you said to her. "What?" Emma asked, looking up concerned.

"To be honest, I don't even know why you're apologizing to me.." you said, chuckling to yourself. "Hey! Don't say that! There's so many things-" Emma was cut off. "I don't care. Ok?" You said sternly. Hoping the memo would get through her brain this time. "So you don't hate me.. but you also don't care?" Emma asked you, honestly confused. Her face looked so cute but this wasn't a time to get side tracked. "Yes, that's exactly what I said, is there anything else you need to say?" you asked her. As it goes silent for a moment, she starts talking, "Actually yes, I'm sorry for asking to meet up so much but can we go to the café to talk tomorrow?" Emma asked you. You felt like you could feel her heart racing along with hers. "Sure." You said, smiling, then walked away.

Getting home later than usual, Ken was awfully concerned. Though it was no surprise, "Oi! Where were you?" Ken said as you say on the living room couch turning on Netflix. "Just hanging out with some friends.." you said, obviously really bad at lying. "You know you can tell me, I won't be mad." he says as he sits down as well. "Go away, I'm watching Squid Game." you said as you rolled your eyes. "Fine I guess I'll just.." Ken gets his phone out and dials someone, "Hey Mikey! How's it going.. so actually.." As Ken was about to go on you quickly snatched his phone. "Bye Mikey!" you said. "Ok dude what the heck." angry, but not surprised. "So you gonna tell me?" Ken asked, standing with his hand on his hip. (💅🏼)

After you told him about the conversation you and Emma had, you went back up to your room.

111-222-3333; hey..! so, a café tomorrow?

You totally forgot you deleted Emma's number. Quickly, you added her back to your contact list and started typing back a reply.

y/n; yeah.. see you there.

Sighing, you turned off the lamp in your room and went to sleep.

𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝 - 𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐚 𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now