The Beginning (Character Introductions)

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The light of the shattered moon shines down upon the cold desert, smoke bellows high into the starry sky as a group of four sit around a campfire. While the heat slowly dies a few of the four say a small prayer to the moon goddess in hopes she may hear. As the heat from the fire finally becomes too weak to benefit the group they finally start to fall asleep.


Shielded from sight a pair of glowing blue, slit cat eyes skim over a poster siting on a worn wall of the village tavern.
'needed: team to help retrieve item lost while exploring, reward 200 gold each'
"well that doesn't sound too hard now, and for 200 gold as well? I'd be stupid to pass this up" a female French voice almost purrs from their hiding place.

When the shattered moon finally rises into the sky the cat eyed female finally emerges, moving towards the tavern, the pink haired girl moves with purpose and stealth hiding in the shadows aided by her magic long-coat.

The door to the tavern opens with a shout reveling a dark brown haired man in a green military outfit, his brown eyes flick around the room whilst his hands run across the the assault rifle placed on his right shoulder

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The door to the tavern opens with a shout reveling a dark brown haired man in a green military outfit, his brown eyes flick around the room whilst his hands run across the the assault rifle placed on his right shoulder. After a few long seconds the soldiers eyes finally find what he was looking for and he begins his march towards a table in the corner.

Laughs echo from the corner table as the soldier slowly approaches, the roaring laughter emanating from a figure wearing a full set of silver and gold Knight armour along with a shield and fire lance resting near-by

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Laughs echo from the corner table as the soldier slowly approaches, the roaring laughter emanating from a figure wearing a full set of silver and gold Knight armour along with a shield and fire lance resting near-by. As the soldier approaches the table the Knight flips up his helmet to reveal his black hair and dark eyes.

As the soldier finally reachs the table the two men sitting at the table turn towards him, the Knight motions to the seat next to him

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As the soldier finally reachs the table the two men sitting at the table turn towards him, the Knight motions to the seat next to him. As the soldier sits the other man at the table adjusts his hat sitting on top of the mess of blond hair, his green eyes looking up and down the soldier who has just joined them. "We are just waiting for one more. " the blond tells the pair. "we should probably do Introductions, I'm Jason."
"Jason, huh I'm Viktor." The soldier informs the pair in his Russian accent.
"Viktor, I'm sure I've heard of you before. I'm Fernando" the Knight replies in his spanish accent.
"and I'm Maeve" the cat eyed girl announced from behind them.
"Well that's everyone then I guess" Jason states to the group of three in front of him, "let's get this adventure started."

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