13| smile dog

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You try to tell yourself over and over, it's just an image. Just a stupid picture of a stupid dog that someone has photoshopped teeth onto. 

It isn't even scary, or at least it doesn't scare you. Not one bit. How could it scare you? It's just a picture. You tell yourself these things, but when you do, you lie.

The image does scare you. Something about that smile, too wide with too many teeth. The same 'all the better to eat you with' smile that the Big Bad wolf gave to Red Riding Hood, a smile full of threat and sharpness. 

A predatory smile.

Again you try to bury the idea. To ignore it. But it's no use. Even when you close your eyes you see it, smiling maniacally back at you, the eyes, illuminated and searing, burning into your mind, you're soul. 

You know right then, you have to get rid of it, to pass the image in to someone else, to do as the thing says and spread the word. You know that you'll do these things because you must. Because if you don't, you know, that eventually, he will pay you a visit.

The Smile Dog creepy pasta also often referred to as Smile.jpeg concerns a supposedly cursed or demonic image of a Siberian Husky with a menacing expression and an exaggeratedly large smile from a mouth seemingly filled with human teeth.

According to the story this image depicting 'smile dog' is an image of a demon or evil spirit that then plagues and torments anyone who has looked upon it with horrendous visions and nightmares, impelling them to 'Spread the word' by sharing the image with others. 

The longer the victim continues without sharing the image, the more extreme the 'haunting' becomes and if the image is not shared then smile dog takes his true form, either killing the victim, driving them to the point of insanity or in many versions dragging them away to hell.

The original image associated with the smile.jpeg/ smile dog creepy pasta shows a Siberian Husky with what appears to be a heavily photoshopped mouth. The husky is grey black and the image shows only the head and neck with prominent pointed ears. 

The eyes of the dog are illuminated by the camera flash so that they take on a glowing quality and the manner in which the dog is looking directly into the lens as if posing for a portrait in a disturbingly human fashion.

Most unsettling however is the smile, which aside from appearing too wide for the mouth itself to contain seems not to contain 'canine' teeth but more human or primate. 

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