Happy Endings Start With Broken Beginnings

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How the hell did my life turn out this way? Alone most days. Most nights not being able to sleep due to the sound of my mother fucking yet another random guy in the next room. The loneliness nearly consuming me whole. Self-inflicted scars up and down each of my wrists.

But I smile so I must be okay, right? At least that's what everyone says.

I'm Ivy Danielle Ross, a human girl, and this is the story of how my heart broke... again.


I'm sorry.

Ivy opens the drawer to her bedside table slowly.

I'm sorry.

She takes out the blade that has been used oh so many times before.

I'm sorry.

She brings the cold edge of the blade to her skin.

Her ring tone blares throughout the room at that moment causing her to jump, pulling the blade away from her wrist. She is only going to ignore the call until she sees that it's her only friend. Well, her only true friend. Elijah Mikaelson.

A tear rolls down her cheek and hits her phone screen which is now lighting up the otherwise dim room. She clicks accept call and slowly puts it to her ear. Like always, Elijah doesn't even wait for a simple hello before he begins talking.

"Ivy you forg-" She sniffles in what she thought was a sneaky manner, trying to hide her tears, but Elijah hears easily and stops talking. "Ivy, sweetheart. Why are you crying? Are you all right?"

She can't tell him why she is crying. It will break his little vampire heart. They had been through this before when Elijah had first seen her scars... She had promised him that she would never hurt herself again. She couldn't tell him. But she knew she had to. She could not lie to him. They simply did not lie to each other.

"Elijah... I'm sorry. I promised you-"

A noise comes from the Elijah's end then a second later he speaks up, "Tell me you didn't, Ivy. Tell me you didn't break your promise."

"Almost. You called and- I just can't do this anymore Elijah. I'm so lonely. I'm so tired. I'm so done with it all. Even the one boyfriend I ever had left me only a few days ago and he already has another girlfriend. That's how easily I'm replaced Elijah."

"Ivy, you weren't going to scar yourself further just because of a teenage boy breaking up with you, were you? Because if you were-"

She cuts him off before he can speak any further, "No, Elijah. That's not why. There's not even a specific reason... why."

Ivy hears keys rattle on Elijah's end and a door creaking open, "I'm coming over right now, Ivy. Don't even move a muscle." Elijah ends the call and Ivy sighs deeply, laying back in her bed and staring at the ceiling as yet another tear roll downs her perfectly smooth cheek. She can hear her mother in the distance, probably down in the family room, speaking loudly on the phone. Probably with Ivy's father. He had left them years ago and went god knows where and started another family with god knows who.

But when she tells people her father had left them and they begin their pity speeches she always quickly cuts them off. She was glad that piece of shit was out of her life. He had been mentally and physically abusive to not only her but her mother as well. She felt bad for whoever his new family is.

As her eyes fill even further with tears she knows that if she blinks then it will be like Niagara Falls on her face.

She hears Elijah's car pull up outside due to the fact she always keeps her window cracked because she likes to hear the birds sing their little hearts out to each other from their branches outside.

Paint On Your Smile and Hide the Broken Pieces (A Kol Mikaelson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now