Start from the beginning

'Rose!' he shouted, spitting out some of the river water that splashed into his mouth when the chunk of ice soared over a rough wave. The beavers suddenly swam next to the ice and they pushed it towards the shore as they could easily battle the current of the river with their tails and flippers.

The Pevensies clambered onto the river bank that was slippery from both the melting ice and mud, and Peter's chest heaved up and down as he anxiously searched the waters. He dropped his sword and sprinted a few yards downstream when he suddenly spotted the silver shimmering as two swords got thrown onto the shore, quickly followed by a pair of hands.

'Rose,' he breathed out in relief, crouching down and grabbing her wrists to pull her farther upon the river bank. However, just as he did so, the sole of his shoe slipped away and he fell backwards out of his crouching position, dragging Rosaleen with him in the momentum. She landed atop of his chest, their noses only inches apart as their hands were trapped between them.

'I'm sorry,' Rosaleen quickly apologised as Peter groaned, feeling slightly crushed after the collision.

He shook his head, carefully pulling back his hands and before he could stop himself, he gently tucked a strand of her now dark blonde hair behind her ear. 'I'd let you use me as a personal cushion any time,' he said with a cheeky grin, and despite being drenched with ice cold water, Rosaleen felt very warm. She was all too aware how their bodies pressed against each other and she could feel his steady heartbeat under her hands. It would be very easy to close the last remaining distance between them and though her heart surely fluttered wildly against her chest by that realisation, she didn't do it.

'It does beat drowning in a river,' Rosaleen answered after clearing her throat and she climbed off of him, sitting down on her knees while suppressing a cold shiver that ran down her spine.

Peter's grin disappeared. 'Right,' he muttered, pushing himself into a sitting position as well and he glanced over his shoulder as the sound of thudding footsteps grew louder.

'Are you alright?' Susan asked Rosaleen who nodded in response.

The blonde turned halfway around and took her swords while standing up. The water droplets on the blades glistened like elegant gemstones, but they glided off the surface as she slid the swords back in the sheaths on her back.

Susan handed Peter back his sword which he accepted before following Rosaleen's gaze towards the opposite shore. The river still gargled wildly and the white vapour of the melting ice hid the other river bank from their sight. There was no telling what had happened to Alexander, but they feared they knew the answer nonetheless.

'We'll get him back,' Peter reassured Rosaleen, placing a hand on the soaked fur coat that covered her shoulder.

Rosaleen looked back at him, her ocean coloured eyes sparkling in determination. 'We'll get both of them back.' They had now lost two of them to the White Witch, but they wouldn't give up until they were both safe again and out of her hands. Rosaleen wasn't exactly sure where her new-found bravery came from, but she welcomed it with open arms.

Peter nodded in agreement, softly squeezing her shoulder, but everyone focussed on Lucy when her excited voice traveled through the air.

'Look!' The youngest Pevensie stood by a large cherry blossom tree, pointing at one of the branches. The snow whirled off the blooming buds as the ice disappeared rapidly and made way for a beautiful shade of soft pink. All around them, the Narnian landscape came to life while the wind turned even warmer. For years, it had displayed no other colour than the ever-white of the snow, but now all the colours of the rainbow burst through it.

'The Witch's magic really is wearing off,' Peter said in awe, moving his hand away from Rosaleen's shoulder while the beavers led the way towards the east with elated treads.

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