Post-its. [Part-11]

Start from the beginning

"H'vy?" He whispered, his voice broken and soft as he hadn't used it in a while. He guessed that Harvey had left again, and he nearly jumped as his hand yet again curled around a piece of paper.

I swear if you wake up again and are reading this I'm going to kick your ass. How bad can your timing be? I've had to go to the office; visiting hours are over. I'll come back soon, I just needed to grab some files.

Mike was feeling more awake than he had done the previous time, and decided to make the most of it by writing another note back, hoping that the painkillers wouldn't wear off before he was done. This time, as he carefully laid the notepad down, he settled back, determined not to go to sleep. He felt slightly light-headed, but was determined not to go to sleep before Harvey came back - after all, his jacket was still there, he can't have gone for long.

It was like when he was small, and he had tried to wait up to watch for Santa. He had inevitably fallen asleep. He chuckled slightly, imagining Harvey dressed as Santa. He hoped they had dressing up parties at the firm occasionally...

Harvey decided to stay at the hospital for as long as it would take. He just wanted to see for himself that Mike wasn't brain dead. That was it. He didn't want a brain dead associate. That would reflect poorly on him. The notes weren't enough.

Speaking of, he groaned as he saw Mike had indeed woken since he'd been gone.

Aw, Harvey I didn't know you cared - my timing is awesome, it's almost like I'm avoiding you intentionally :P And please, we both know that visiting hours wouldn't stop you. You were just bored of looking at me for so long; which is really creepy so please; if I'm asleep stop staring. You know what's nice? That you felt the need to reassure me that you were coming back - and it's hardly like you were gone for long, you left your jacket.

There was then a picture of a hastily drawn Santa, which Mike had labelled with 'Harvey'. The older man shook his head, deciding he really needed to stay now, because he still wasn't sure how brain dead Mike was.

However, it was now instinct to write a note back, and Harvey found that it passed the time if he just wrote stuff down, making notes. And it wasn't as if the staff would get him to leave now. It's not as if Mike would ever have to read this note.

When Mike woke for the third time, he noticed several things. One - no matter that he had a catheter in; he was sure he needed to pee. Two - there was a Harvey in the chair next to him, and Three - said Harvey was asleep.

At least he thought it was a catheter... Mike looked at the various tubes around him and assumed he had imagined it. He had an IV, and some other kind of drip, but nothing that resembled a catheter. Which now meant he had to go to the bathroom.

Good thing the drugs hadn't worn off.

He quickly shook his head (resulting in dizziness) and thought about more pressing matters - such as the fact that Harvey was asleep in the chair next to him. He looked really peaceful, Mike mused, slowly pushing himself up. His ribs were twinging uncomfortably, but the slow build-up of pressure on his bladder wasn't easy to ignore. He managed to stand up, and grabbed the pole with the IV's on, dragging them slowly across to a small door within the room that he hoped was a bathroom.

Thinking that'd deal with the sleeping Senior Partner later, he looked across to see he had a note in his hands. Mike slowly peeled it out of Harvey's grasp and saw that it was quite long, so he decided to just take it into the bathroom with him.

After he had done his business and washed his hands, he felt dizzy for a second, and hastily pushed the toilet seat and lid down so he could sit on it for a while. He decided now was a good a time as any to read Harvey's note.

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