~~ :: || 《《 [Rules- PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY] 》》 || :: ~~

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My Personal Rules for Roleplaying:

1) I will not do LGBT+ roleplays.  However, I have a great respect for the LGBT+ Community and I am an avid supporter of it, but I know there are those who are not comfortable with it, and I do not wish to offend anybody.  Plus, I have personal reasons for not doing them yet.  Please just bear with me, as I work on this transition.

(TO CLARIFY: This is not meant to be HOMOPHOBIC in any way.  I love everybody for who they are.  I have no issues with an individual's sexuality.  Whether you are gay, lesbian, transgender, asexual,  pansexual, I love and respect your life and your sexuality.  It honestly hurts that I have to clarify this, but I want everyone in the LGBT+ community to know that I do not care who you love.  That's YOUR LIFE AND YOUR CHOICE, and you deserve all the happiness in the world.)


2) Please use literate responses.  Meaning no less than 3 sentences.  You may do more than 3 sentences; that is perfectly fine.


3) The Inappropriate form of writing: e.g. \

❌ 'texting' format

❌ 1st Person POV (I, Me)

❌ 2nd Person POV (You)


4) The appropriate form of writing:  e.g. \ 

✔ Paragraph format, with decent punctuation and grammar

✔ 3rd Person POV (He, She, They, Them)


5) If I have a certain character reserved as a love interest, please DO NOT ask to have that person.  Unless I specify that I am willing to have a love triangle (which most of the time, I won't), please keep the certain love interest I have in mind alone.  Thank you.

My preferred love interest is Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic (Ioan Gruffudd)

My backup love interest is Johnny Storm/ Human Torch  (Chris Evans)


6) Please make sure you fill out the OC Form the way I have the form developed.  Meaning please do not change the formation.  You may; however, make your form into more than one section if there is not enough room to post it all together in a single comment. 


7) Please do not start roleplaying in my books until I state that you can.  This is considered disrespectful. 


8) Please do not bash my OC's or make derogatory remarks about any of them.  This is viewed as bullying. You are considered to be bashing the person behind them; I DO NOT tolerate this one bit.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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