Chapter 15: The Fairy Brute, Takeshi Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Kana placed her video game controller on the bed, next to her and pushed her red hair back since it was beginning to get in her eyes, again.

"Oh, Klein, I was going to ask you, have you given any more thought to the apartment idea? I mean, your apartment is fine, albeit a bit small but I think since both of us have been saving so much money, we should be able to afford a bigger place for the two of us by now."

Klein scratched the back of his neck, guiltily, causing his girlfriend to frown at him.

"Klein, what's that look for?"

"I mean...our own place...that's a pretty big step...relationship-wise."

"We've been dating for two years, Klein."

"I know that. It's just...a lot...that's all. I just need a little bit more time to think about it."

"Klein, I'm a patient girl so I'll give you a little more time but I really want you to give it some thought. I really feel like I'm ready for that next step. Owning a place with you sounds really fun to me. I was kind of hoping you'd be more excited about it too. Do you not want a place with me?"

"I-it's not that", Klein assured Kana. "It's just that...I'm not a big fan of change is all. I promise I'll give it some more thought, alright?"

Kana looked at Klein, doubtfully, but forced a smile.

"Okay, try not to make a girl wait too long."





"Hyaaah!" yelled Klein as he stabbed his katana through one of the skeletal fairies right through the skull, killing the strange creature, instantly.

As the enemy shattered into tiny blue polygonal shards, the rest of Klein's teammates were sheathing their swords, since they were all done taking care of the enemies that they were fighting.

"Hey, Kirito, if this was SAO, I would have actually gotten the last attack bonus", Klein said, jokingly, while Kirito sheathed his Elucidator.

"Yeah, Asuna used to say that it was a miracle when I wasn't the one who got the last attack bonus", Kazuto recalled. "She would always give me so much grief for getting the last attack bonus on all of the bosses...I just couldn't help myself, though. Either it always happened by accident or I got too in the zone. Probably should have allowed other players like you to get the last attack bonuses, Klein."

"It wasn't your fault. You always were a couple leagues better than a lot of the other players, even Asuna, at the beginning. It was clear that you were a gamer at heart. Hell, I think you still are."

"Kazuto, why doesn't it surprise me that you showed off while you were trapped in SAO?" groaned Suguha. "I remember all of the times that you would celebrate when you would beat a boss on your video games when you were younger. You would go through explicit detail about every single step you took to win during dinner even if my parents and I barely had any idea what you were talking about."

"Kirito, the show off", added Lisbeth. "I wonder if that's one of the qualities that Asuna liked about you?"

Before the group could make fun of Kazuto any further, they heard footsteps approaching in the distance.

"Careful", warned Kazuto, sensing the incoming danger.

Walking towards the group, was a large, muscular fairy with rather large wings, a bald head and red, demonic eyes. Covering the fairy's knuckles were brass knuckles but he didn't seem to have any other weapons. Just the brass knuckles. Kazuto studied the enemy, intently, not taking his eyes off of him for a single second. Klein gulped, wondering why Kazuto was so focused and if this enemy was really that dangerous.

" dare you taint his majesty's castle with your presence", insulted the buff fairy as he stopped short in front of Kazuto and his team. "Although, since you took care of the Guardian and its dogs, you must possess some skill. That should make this interesting."

"I'm guessing that we aren't allowed to keep advancing without beating you?" asked Kazuto, annoyed.

The buff fairy smirked at Kazuto's observation.

"That would be correct. In order to proceed further, you must defeat the first of his majesty's royal guard, The Fairy Brute, Takeshi. That would be me. Fair warning, I'm far stronger than that creature you beat in order to enter the castle. Then again, you'll learn that soon enough. Now, let me see all of your strength. Don't hold back!"

"He mentioned that he's the first of the king's royal guard", mumbled Kazuto to himself. "That means that there's more of these assholes. Let's hurry and take this guy down. The longer we waste on him, the longer Asuna suffers."

Without wasting any more time, Kazuto darted at his opponent with so much speed that Klein almost missed the motion. Kazuto drew his Dark Repulser and slashed it right at Takeshi but, to his surprise, the Fairy Brute didn't even attempt to dodge his attack. The cold black weapon slashed the bare skin of the enemy's torso but to everyone's surprise, the strike didn't leave a single mark on Takeshi. On top of that, the enemy's health didn't drop at all. Takeshi smiled, evilly, and chuckled.

"What the hell?" asked Kazuto in shock.

A fist slammed into Kazuto's jaw before he could question what he had just witnessed any further, sending him flying back, blood flying out of his mouth.

"You son of a bitch!" yelled Klein, furiously, not being able to contain his anger.

"Klein, wait, I got a bad feeling about this!" cautioned Suguha. "Something about this guy doesn't seem right. Did you see how big brother's attack didn't even effect his health?"

Ignoring Suguha's warning, Klein drew his Katana and ran towards the enemy, who had struck Kazuto, without a single worry in his mind.

"Damn it, Klein! Don't charge in like that!" yelled Lisbeth as she drew her mace and headed after him.

The closer that Klein got to Takeshi, the bigger the smile grew on his face. Klein slashed his sword towards Takeshi's throat but before the katana could make contact, the enemy grabbed the weapon with his bare hand, stopping it, with ease. Klein applied more pressure but the katana wouldn't budge.

"You have to be shitting me", cursed Klein, angrily.

"Such foolishness", Takeshi mumbled.

Takeshi round house kicked Klein right in his gut, powerfully, causing Klein to drop his sword. This knocked the air out of Klein but before he could fall backwards, the Fairy Brute grabbed him by his throat, not letting him fall. After standing him up, both of Takeshi's hands began to glow a bright purple color, that looked vaguely familiar to Klein.

Wait, this glow...why does it look so familiar? Thought Klein to himself.

"Klein, get away from him!" hollered Kazuto from behind him. "That's a pre-motion for a Martial Arts Skill!"

Despite Kazuto's warning, there wasn't anything Klein could do to protect himself, before he ate a painful elbow to the gut, followed up immediately by a powerful chop right to the nose. There was so much force behind the chop that it managed to break Klein's nose with a single strike. Klein stumbled, backwards, holding his bloody nose in shock and agony. Klein was so focused on his nose that he didn't notice that his opponent's knee was glowing bright purple as well. Takeshi lunged forward, jumped upwards to gain momentum and kneed Klein right in the jaw, causing blood to shoot out of his mouth.

"Klein, no!" screamed Lisbeth, from behind.

Kazuto, despite not being able to save his friend, managed to land a clean punch on Takeshi's mouth taking a sliver of his health away but the enemy back flipped out of the way, before any more damage could be done to him. Klein landed on his back, hard. His body was weak and his face ached. Blood was pouring out of his mouth and nose as his eyes, slowly, began to close and the last thing that he saw before his eyes were shut all of the way was Suguha, Lisbeth and Agil rushing towards him with worried looks on their faces.

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