Chapter 8

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Petey's perspective

"What the heck are you doing?!"

Petey facepalmed as he watched his sister try and play a round of Clash Royale. And fail miserably. The opposing player, DaBeast, had already taken one tower and was advancing towards the king's tower in the center with his baby and electro dragons, skeleton army, and pekka.

"Trying to get a tower!" Penny said, looking back at him.

"Our own towers are falling! Can't you see the life bar?!" Petey let out a loud groan as he made the bruh gesture with his hands, flicking them towards Penny's direction twice. "My goodness, you have zero brains, did you know that?"

"I'm not so dumb as to not know what 1+1 is," She shot back, frantically sending a knight, bandit, fireball, and archers to defend the king tower.

"Oh, what is it?"


Petey paused to acknowledge that before turning back to the iPad screen. A chicken clucked at Penny from DaBeast's side as the king's health bar dropped to 900, then to 751, and then 460.

Hah. That was what she got for putting up a terrible defense.

In response, Penny sent an angry emote back at them. "Chicken? That's insulting!"

"In their defense, you are a chicken."

"How dare you!" Penny puffed up her chest. "I am not a chicken!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Then why did the other guy take the tower just now?"

Penny groaned in defeat as she turned back to the screen. "I am a chicken."

"Finally we agree on something." Petey said smugly. He watched as Penny switched back to home screen and collect the rewards from the chest he had started to unlock the day before. Thanks to her, Petey now lost 150 hard earned trophies, but at least the chest gave him 50 coins, and upgrades on his electro wizard and fire spirit.

Penny shut off the iPad and set it aside. Petey then proceeded to cluck and flap his arms in imitation of the Clash Royale chicken until his sister threw a pillow pet at his face to shut him up. Even so, he continued with his taunts after a short recovery period, and Penny ended up smothering him with her unicorn blanket.

After a good amount of thrashing around, he opened his mouth to cluck louder than ever but then stopped in his tracks as he heard counting and occasional clashing of plastic in the distance. He knew that sound too well.

Throwing off the blanket, he and Penny scurried to the source of the sound- the backyard, where Depa (Petey had looked at the group chat on Kendall's phone) and Caleb were doing some weird stuff with their toy swords.

"Are they... doing kendo?" Penny whispered as they hid behind the screen door.

"How would I know what Kendo is?" Petey whispered back.

Penny huffed. "Never mind. Whatever they're doing looks way more complicated than how we do it." She tried to imitate Caleb's karate pose with no luck.

Petey had to suppress a giggle. "You should watch them and learn how to do it right."

"No, you."

Caleb's perspective

Caleb sensed someone was watching him and his master. 2 people actually. Parrying another attack from above, he glanced over to see the younglings peeking out at them and making inaudible commentary, then turning away to try Form 3 themselves... without weapons, of course. He chuckled softly before blocking left.

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