| gin ibushi

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(also includes q-taro)

•at festivals/events, gin would get matching facepaint with q-taro, mai and keiji. usually it'd be, tiger, wolf or cat face paint!

•gin has a small bump on his head from jumping off a tree when he was 7 and thinking he could land on his feet.

•he has many scars on his hands

•at the fair, gin would get the biggest cotton candy and it show it off to everyone like he made it himself

•he has glasses but never wears them

•swimming is his least favourite hobby

•his favourite shows are, we bare bears, adventure time and steven universe.

•most of the day he spends his time in a forest near his house, exploring and talking to himself

•stretches out like a cat on his bed and gets his mother to scratch his stomach

•likes pokemon but stopped liking it after everyone went crazy over pokemon go

•he either loves wondering off or sticks to the person he is with

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