The Demon Wail Clan

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" Shade.... Are you ok?" I hear Yukio's voice.

I turn to look at him.

" A little...." I say weakly.

" As long as you're ok." He says, holding my hand.

Where am I?

I look around to see that I'm on a infirmary bed.

" How long have I been in the infirmary?" I ask him.

" A couple hours." He responds.

" Oh... I....I'm sorry for making you worry." I say.

" It's alright. You were able to come back." He smiles.

I glance away from him, a faint blush across my cheeks.

" Can I....hug you?" I ask.

" Why would you ask that?" He hugs me and I hug him back, tightly.

" Now then, what to do today...." I mutter to myself.

" Yukio Battleblood, to Titan's office." Storm says to him.

" What for?" He and I ask, in unison.

" Fine. Both of you can go to him." She says.

" I'll need Yukio to stay in your room for the day." He says.

" Huh?"

" We have a group of people coming over here." He says.

" Who?" I ask.

" The Demon Wail." He says.

I feel my blood run cold.

" Demon Wail?" Yukio asks.

" A group of demon hunters." Titan says to him.

" Demon....hunters?"

" Every once in a while, they come over here to check on us. They don't check the rooms so we have the demons stay in their rooms for the day. You'll be fine as long as you stay in your room." He says.

" If.... If you say so." He says.

I look at him, worried.

I stand at the entrance next to Titan, Connor, and Storm.

I begin to see a group of knights with a boy leading the way.

" I wish this day wouldn't have come... And it's even worse that Yukio can't be here with me...." I pout.

" You're not the only one on the "my boyfriend/girlfriend is a demon" boat." Storm says to me.

Connor sighs.

" This is going to be a long day." He says.

A boy with grey hair, his bangs covering up his right eye, dark lightless grey eyes and a top hat walks up to us.

" Hello Yin." Titan greets.

" Titan." He says to him.

" News travels fast. I heard the your reaper let out the evil that you worked so hard to contain." Yin says in a sadistic tone, similar to 'his' tone.

" I would love to poison his tea." Connor says to me through thought.

" But he knows if a drink was tampered with." I say to him.

I growl under my breath.

" But, I'm guessing you didn't receive any sort of punishment?" Yin asks me.

" N-no." I say.

" Just as I expected." He looks back at Titan.

" How have your demons been?" He asks.

" They've been fine. Only killing when it's necessary." Titan replies.

" And the only problem you've had was getting Arshad to go away?" He asks.

" Yes."

" None of your demons tried to attack you?"

" Well, the other day-"

Don't you fucking dare.

" A demon tried to kill me, but, Storm stopped him and convinced him to choose the other option in Arshad's deal."

" Oh?" He smirks.

" That shadow probably took someone that demon cared about." Yin chuckles.

Don't throw the cup at him. Don't throw the cup at him. Don't throw the cup at him. Don't throw the cup at him.

" Well, shall we walk around?" Yin asks.

" Yes." Titan says.

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