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anybody that walked into lando's room would automatically be able to tell what had happened between the two best friends due to the clothes thrown across the floor, love bites over aprils chest and the fact that we're cuddling naked under lando's sheets as they napped.

"lando, how am i meant to cover these?" april gasped as she looked in lando's mirror, running her fingers over the little bruises that he had left on her body.

"show them off." lando got up off the bed, walking over to april and standing behind her so that they were both visible in the mirror, her back pressed against his chest.

"show them off?" her eyes wide as she listened to his solution, lando believing that he came up with the most genius idea. "then everyone is gonna know what happened between us."

"that won't be hard, you're not the quietest person during sex." lando told her proudly, a smirk prominent on his face making april turn around and hit his arm. "so these won't be a problem."

"and who's fault is this?" april pointed to the little bruises, lando sucking his bottom lip in as he tried to hold his laughter in, not wanting to annoy april even though she wasn't actually bothered at the marks.

"if we weren't on holiday and i didn't have to wear a bikini all day then i wouldn't have had a problem with it." she thought to herself, thinking of another way that would work. "i guess i could cover them up with makeup."

"won't it come off with sweat?" lando asked genuinely, not expecting aprils next response at all.

"calling me a sweaty bitch now?" aprils sarcasm being lando to tears, hunching his body over as he struggled to stop his laughter, his reaction making april laugh along with him.

"did you hear us?" aprils eyes widened, seeing everybody staring at them with smirks on their faces when they walked onto the deck, the pair of them only wanting to have some food.

"i think the whole of croatia heard you." max said before him and a couple of the other boys began to imitate both of them from what they heard in their own rooms.

"i'm going to get some dinner." april shook her head playfully , her stomach close to rumbling again as she hadn't had any food and it was already nearly three in the afternoon.

"i'm going with you."

"round two already?" max joked, lando sticking his middle finger up at him as max laughed.

"ding ding." oliver imitated a boxing bell, all of the boys laughing as april and lando chuckled along before walking back to the boats kitchen. "it was about bloody time."

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