Chapter Seventeen.

Start from the beginning

The three girls wound up staying in the same cart. Leanne had brought a card game and they played that for a good hour into the train ride before growing bored of the same game. So, they switched up the game and were passing the next hour with said game.

"So I took time out of my break to read through our handbook, right?" (Y/n) spoke. The two hummed. "And I found out that we can customize our uniform so long as the design isn't larger than our fist."

"Really?" Cho mused. She closed her free fist and compared the size. "That leaves some room for the imagination, I suppose," she said. 

"When you say 'customize' do you mean those little patches you can get at literally any store?" Leanne asked. 

"Patches?" Cho murmured.

"Yeah, those," (Y/n) said. "And I also mean embroidery of course." Leanne grinned. 

"Patches?" Cho repeated.

"Oh, at 'Muggle' stores, you can get these little embroidered designs that you usually iron on to clothing," (Y/n) explained. "Or something like that. I've never had a need for getting one."

"If you want it to stay longer, I bet you can also sew it down," Leanne chimed. Cho still was confused. (Y/n) turned her cards down into her lap before fetching the piece of fabric she was currently embroidering.

"So this—" (Y/n) motioned to the bouquet of purple flowers "—would come by itself. No fabric or anything, just the bouquet and you can just iron it to clothing."

"Oh..." Cho murmured. "That easy? Thinking smarter, not harder, I suppose." Leanne and (Y/n) snickered.

"—and that catches us up to 1990," Cho finished. 

"Wow. Targetting a baby. Imagine that..." Leanne murmured.

"Pa-thetic," (Y/n) annunciates. "How do people live in more fear of Vol—" Cho shushed her "—You-know-who than they do Grindelwald?" she demanded. "Grindelwald targeted the entire world, hence why it's called the Global Wizarding War. What did You-know-who do? Start a cult, almost kill a family, and die because of a child?"

"Don't be so loud!" Cho hissed. "He still has supporters, you know? They'll kill you if they hear you!" (Y/n) rolled her eyes.

"I dare them," she challenged. Both Cho and Leanne gasped.

"Don't say that!" Leanne cried.

"It'll do more harm than good to kill a girl attending Hogwarts," (Y/n) stated firmly. She paused. "Let me rephrase that. No good would come out of killing a person." Cho snickered before rapidly shaking her head.

"No. This isn't funny!" Cho said. "Even if you somehow aren't killed, you could be in serious danger! Captured! Tortured, even!" (Y/n) stared at Cho for too long.

"Any followers of Him are cowards. Pleading they were innocent? Going into hiding? The only ones I would fear are those who got caught," she finally said. Cho shuddered.

"Like Sirius Black?" she asked. "Simply awful what he did! Twelve people and his own friend! I heard he was best friends with James Potter, too!"

"But why would he betray his best friend?" (Y/n) asked. "It's too suspicious! No trial or anything! A couple drops of Veritaserum and you've got either an innocent person or you've got a guilty person. Is it not a person's right to get a trial? Grindelwald got a trial, I think. Why wouldn't Sirius Black get one?"

"Because he was caught in the act!" Cho answered. "He was caught, there were witnesses, and that's that! Grindelwald couldn't be caught until Dumbledore finally stepped up. He got a trial so all of his crimes would be accounted for." (Y/n) shook her head disapprovingly.

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