Dream, God of Combat, Victory, Chaos, and all the titles humans called him. Including the perks of being an Admin who can create several servers around the universe.

The two are married since they were 21. On God's age. And they are now over a million years old. Just a century after Light and Darkness. Strength-wise, war and combat are the strongest.Dream thinks that the dare, having to forget your most beloved person in a decade and the other forget too to be extra hard, is easy. Having lived for over a million years, a decade is just a breath away.

And boy, was he wrong. Dream can now feel the loneliness he suffered from the decade. The looks and glances they exchanged in that year without the usual love and adoration hurts.Techno felt like it too. A decade was not easy if you're used to feeling the love of your lover for centuries.

Uno breaks friendships. It's true. It might take a while, few years, until they can fully forgive ξεχνώ. Even though, Dream lost bitterly.

"Love, it's fine. Hey, at least we got to remember each other, also, a petition to beat ξεχνώ later on monopoly?" Techno asked, feeling his lover brighten at the suggestion, knowing that his lover is competitive.

"Sure, Honey. But, first, I want to just hug you. I've missed you so much." Dream continued to snuggle with his lover, now noticing the discomfort the obsidian room brought them.

"I would love to, Love. But we need to get out of this box. We can cuddle later at home." Techno said as he stood up, carrying Dream by his hips, not even fazed by the weight, while Dream just tightened his hold onto Techno's neck and fastening his legs around the waist of his lover.


Can we talk now?

Shh, chat no, they're snuggling!




Missed his lover



Blood for the Blood God!



There they are, Techno was wondering why the voices has gone quiet, appreciating that they silence themselves to reminisce with his lover.

His lover can now replicate a koala's actions.

He muted his chat for a moment, wanting to be alone with his beloved.

"Love, I'll just break the walls now, kay? We can just swim and fly to our house. Cover your ears if you wanna sleep." Techno mumbled, kissing the exposed part of Dream's neck in front of him, and readied himself to punch the obsidian wall.

He did punch a bedrock and broke it when he was 18, a mere obsidian block will not stand a chance against Technoblade's full power.

And also, perks of being a Piglin hybrid and Blood God, fire resistance. He can also make people have the same effect if they're touching him.

And Dream is practically glued to Techno now, closing his eyes and just relaxed against his lover.The first punch was loud. The sound can be heard around the prison, remnants clattering on the ground, a massive earthquake among the land was made from the mere punch of the War God.

DreamNoBlade/TechnoDream One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now