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"Dain~! C'mere look what I found!" Y/N Exclaimed giving her friend. He looks at his companion, smiling and walking over. "What is it now Y/N?" He huffs, hiding his smile. "Ah, I'm not exactly sure but it looks like a floating piss!" Dainsleif looks at her with confusion. "Y/N Refrain from using the word 'piss'... Just say it looks yellow... And thats a seelie Y/N, I'm not quite sure where they originate from though..." He brings his thumb to his chin, getting lost in his thoughts. "Dain! Stop zoning out, you dont have to know everything!" He brings his arm down and looks at the girl. He smiles and nods.

"Y/N lets get going, i think it is going to rain soon..." He places his hand on her shoulder and starts to walk off. Y/N hesitates to follow, she looks at the seelie and decides to keep it. She lets out a mischievous chuckle and runs to catch up with the slender man. "Dain!! Wait up! My legs arent as fast as yours!" She bickers. He sighs and laughs at the girl.
After hundreds of years travelling with one another Dainsleif has become quite attached to Y/N. Although he tends to not show it he has truly fallen for her.


" Y/N you should get some sleep, It is quite late." He looks at the H/C girl staring at the sky. "But Dainnnnnn!!!" she slurs "Look how pretty the stars are. Come." She pats a spot next to her. He looks at the smiling girl and give in. He walks to where she is seated. They are camping in a cave at the edge of a cliff. Dainsleif takes a seat, close proximity of the girl. Their legs dangle of the edgy, getting pricked by the cool wind.

Y/N lets out a deep sigh and lays her head on Dains right shoulder. Hesitantly he brings his left arm and wraps it around her sides, pulling her close. The girl closes her eyes and starts humming. Dainsleif looks at the H/C girl, seeing her eyes closed peacefully, her hair swaying in the wind, her eye lashes thick and delicate. Her perfect face, eyes he could just get lost in.

Y/N opens her eyes and stops humming, looking up at the night sky and looking at the man sitting beside her. They make eye contact. His ocean blue diamond eyes staring into her own E/C eyes. They look away, a slight tint of pink covering their cheeks.
They always have times like this. Neither of them want to admit their feelings to one another.
Dain sighed, running his hand through his hair softly. He shuffles behind Y/N, wrapping his legs on either side of her. "D-dain?" She looks at the man with confusion. He hums to him self and starts playing with her hair. "Ahh okay you wana do my hair?" He hum as a 'yes' and continues playing and twirling her hair.
He rests his head on her shoulder, breathing soft breaths on her neck. This causes Y/N to blush. The feeling of his hot breath during this cool night gave her butterflies.

After a few minutes Dain stops, still body to body, legs wrapped around hers. He snakes his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. Y/N was fine with this, She felt safe in the mans arms. Dain was always so gentle and charming she had full trust in him.
Dainsleif puts his chin on her collarbone and looks up in the sky. "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" He says. He looks at Y/N from the corner of his eyes. She looks back into his, her eyes swelling. "I can die happy". She smiles. Dain shuffles back and Y/N turns around.
"May i?" He asks. She nods and leans closer to the blonde. Their lips attach, oh how long they have hoped this moment would come. Dain slides his arm around her hips, she puts her hand on his nape. Slowly they pull back, blushes on both their faces.

Dain pulls her back towards him, placing her in his lap, wrapping around his torso, arms around his neck. The kiss is more passionate then the first. This time it was desperate, like they finally got what they each wanted. The lovers kissed, the moon being the only light source. Dain pulled back. He held Y/N tight in his arms. "Y/N, I love you so much. I have loved you for so long please never leave me. Please dont leave..."
"Dain I love you too... I promise i will never leave. i swear. we will be together, for eternity" They say before sharing another kiss.


But that was all over now. That was many years ago. It turns out Y/Ns curse of immortality could be broken by a ruin guard. Dain watched his lover being shot at by a Ruin guard. He watched her cry it pain and die a slow death.
All of this broke him. He couldn't do anything. Y/N was his happiness, his hope, his one love.
On several occasions Dainsleif tried to kill him self only to live each time. he could never die.
He would never die.

He lived his life suffering, mourning Y/Ns death. She had promised to say with him. Dain had swore to him self he wouldn't give up, for Y/N. The man always had a feeling she was watching him, cheering him on, crying when he cried.

Many more years pasted, Dainsleif tried his best to remember his old lovers face but each day the vision got blurrier.

But he could never move on.



"Alone at the edge of a universe humming a tune, With sparkling crystals souls aglow. A part of thee in the key of what we know to be every part without me, knows only two can make it light. you'll live forever tonight"

1029 words

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