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And often times I wonder what it must be like,over there on the other side.
It can't be that bad right?
Seeing as though it's been ten years and you still haven't come back.
What's it like?
Do I have to fear loving somebody just to lose them?
Do I have to sleep at nights wondering if this will be my last?
Do I have to see others suffer and cry and wish to be where you are while I wish you were here with me?
Is it really better?
On the other side?
What's it like?
Is there just darkness, no consciousness, is there nothing?
But the sense of loss,the smell and imminent lack of rotting flesh.
Do our memories together just fade away,along with your hopes and dreams,your promises?
What is it like Mike?
What's it like to not be here with me anymore, with us anymore?
Is it really better being in the other side of life?

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