Chapter 2.

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Jake's P.O.V.

Three weeks earlier:

"Damn it!" I slam my fist onto the table so hard my laptop almost flies off. I can't believe it has come to this. So much for having a normal life. I don't even know why I thought it could be possible for someone like me. I've spent the last two days going over every decision I've ever made. So many regrets, and so many mistakes leading up to this point. One thing I will never regret is trusting her. In such a short time she completely captivated me. She made me feel things I didn't think were possible. I still have so many questions, questions that will never be answered. Were her feelings even real? Does she think about me as often as I think about her? Will she miss me when I'm gone?

"You idiot, she's better off without you!" I scold myself.

None of that matters anymore. Soon this will all be over and she will be forced to move on with her life. Maybe in another lifetime we will meet again and things will be different but for now I must say goodbye. I put on my mask and hit record.

"If you're seeing this I'm already gone. I have arranged for this message to be sent in the event of my death."

Present day:

I step out of the car and look around. I guess this is my new life. The restaurant sits back off a main highway in a small country town. It's quite, peaceful, charming even but it's just not me. After years of hiding it feels so weird to be out in the open and so exposed. Chase is the guy I'm supposed to be meeting with. His job is to help me out, show me the ropes and help me navigate normal life. Normal, yeah right things will never be normal. I've lost everything and everyone I have ever cared about how am I supposed to just live life like the last 2 years never happened? As I walk into the restaurant I see her. No, my eyes must be playing tricks on me that can't be her.

"Hey you must be Tristan?"
"I... um... yeah... am I at the right place?" Oh great. She's standing right in front of me I can't even form a coherent sentence but what is she doing here?

"Yeah, I'm MC, Chase's sister. He had some business to take care of in the back so unfortunately for you I get to keep you company until he's done."

Damn, she is even more beautiful in person. After realizing I had these feelings for her I had to know what she looked like so I pulled up her social media profile. I purposely didn't go digging into her life because I didn't trust myself not to go running off to find her. I'm really kicking myself now for not at least finding out the basics.

I glance at the TV beside the table she's leading me to and can't help but to feel a sense of dread. Any moment now the news will break and no matter how much I want to I can't protect her from this. Well I wondered how she would react but now in some fucked up twist of fate I get to watch it first hand. I just hope I'm strong enough to control my own emotions. As we sit down her computer chimes bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, I'm also kind of working" she says
"What do you do?" I can't help but ask
"I basically just answer questions and fix other people's problems for a living."
"Ah, IT work?"
"Ha! No I'm not that smart." She let's out a laugh "Customer service."

Right then it happens, the moment I've been dreading. I just want to throw myself in between her and and television and shield her from everything but that's not possible.

"This is Julie with World News Today and we interrupt your broadcast as police confirm one of the world's most wanted hackers simply known as Jake, the same Jake who was behind the I AM JAKE movement last summer, has been killed in a shootout with police in Germany."

Tears start to stream down her face as she whispers "No no no no this can't be happening..."

Before I can stop myself I reach out and grab her hand. What the hell am I doing?

"Hey, are you ok?" I ask struggling to get the words out
"Huh? What? No... I don't know..." She answers obviously in shock. Right on queue her phone beeps.
"Excuse me." She says as she grabs her phone, then pushes past me and heads for the door.

Just then a man I can only assume is chase, who's a little shorter than me with long hair and covered in tattoos comes out of the back.
"Where did MC go?" He asks.
"Oh, um I think she had to take a call." I say without taking my eyes off the TV.
"Alright well I'm Chase and I'm going to assume by the way you're staring at the TV that," He motions to the TV "is you?"
I don't know what he knows or what she's told him. All I can do is nod and hope this doesn't blow my cover.

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