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Anne imideatly stood up

Sasha pulled her hood down

"I heard you were back...I didn't believe it but here you are.." Sasha said with a soft smile

Anne teared up

Sasha opened her arms for a hug

"Gonna stand their or give your best friend a hug?"

Sasha said with years in her eye.

And imideatly ran and tackled Sasha in a hug

They both smiled then cried a bit

"I missed you so much Sasha I tried coming sooner but I was weak and stupid I'm sorry for not coming back sooner!"

Anne felt so bad for leaving Sasha here alone.

Sasha just smiled and held Anne tightly

"I can't believe this is real...for years I thought I'd never see you again a ND here you are. You look well you feel more strong and sound more smart what happened while you were home?" Sasha asked getting up with Anne

And sighed softly

"It's a really really long story.." Anne said softly

"I see you still wear armor?" Anne said chuckling

Sasha laughed softly

"Well frogs don't know how to make clothes and I never learned how to sew or anything so Yea"

Anne smiled

"Well do you want some comfy clothes? I prepared to he zapped into a crazy world this time"

Sasha's eyes widened

"Your kidding! Really?! Oh please I can't take wearing this anymore"

Anne laughed softly

"Alright well come over to my house or the plantars house tonight and we'll talk and do whatever their ok? And I'll tell you everything and let you borrow clothes and anything else you need ok?"

Sasha smiled

"You bet! Let's get this dinner over with and hang out!"

Sasha was excited

Ever since Anne left she had nobody

Grime was always away with the toads and she was just off fighting Marcy alot..

She didn't know how she was gonna tell Anne about Marcy..

But the dinner resumed

It was fun because it was a party.

Calamity Trio {Sashannarcy}Where stories live. Discover now