We won..

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(it's been a while since i updated, sorry!!!)

Ship: Jim×Claire


-Authors pov-

The Trollhunter. A name everyone spoke, called, thought and yelled about. A name that was about to change a teen boys life, the boy everyone knew about. A person that everyone cared and loved. A person who was new to this world. James Lake Junior. Now, it's a dead name. Now no one knows James Lake junior. The boy who was chosen to be a champion to protect both trolls and humans, the boy that fought, loved and save both known amd unknown species of this place we call Arcadia, The boy that fought for his loved ones and went uo against many threats, going up against Bular, Angor rot, Gunmar and the Queen of monsters herself, Morgana. The boy who gave up his humanity...permanently. The boy-No, The Man who turned into a Troll for life.

The Trollhunter.
The hero that saved his town, his world.

Jim was an average teen, or so you would think? What was a human with a normal life now was half troll that fought for his life, battling every threat known to his homeland. He was a warrior, a Hero who was chosen by Merlin, but you know this already, Don't you?

"Jim!!" Claire yelled from across the bridge as the eternal nightmare ended. Claire Maria Nuñez, A 15 year old girl who was rather naturally beautiful in everyone's eyes. A girl who was the popular one in school, the smart, kind, brave girl thag everyone loved and new, the girl who behaved and looked after her baby brother, the girl always caught Jim's eye in school, gym, hell, even in life in general. She was the one who didn't just go based of of looks when it came to friends, hence why Jim loved her in secret. Well if staring at her in the middle of class and nearly drooling was secretive- Though besides school life, Claire was known in not just Troll Market as one of Jim's Alley, but the girl who practiced shadow magic and became a warrior, the girl who fought Morgana in the flesh, face to face, the girl who save all of trollmarket with a portal. SHE earned the title of being a Trollhunter.

"Jim!" She ran over, sliding on her knees as she looked at her now troll boyfriend, panicking as she placed his upper body on her armoured body, moving his dark blue hair out of the way of his stoney blue face, catching the scrapes and bruises on him. "Jim.." she froze, tears starting to form in her eyes as she let out a shaky breath. Blinky, Aaarrrgghh, and Tobey rushing over, not caring about the celebration of the end of the war but their now hurt friend. "He's not breathing!" Claire yelled, placing Jim fully down on the concrete, placing her ear onto his chest and waiting for his heart beat to be heard. Nothing. "No no no, come on Jim" Claire frowned, tears running down her dirt, red cheeks. "Move, Master Jim!" Blinky yelled, Pushing aside Claire and placing two of his hands on his chest and quickly performing CPR, starting 30 chest compressions before giving 2 rescue breaths. Claire just held his hand, her heart banging against his chest, Tobey coming to her side and rubbing her back, not just to sooth her but him to.

Tobey Domzalski, A 15 year old teen, the Best Friend of James Lake Junior, An Alley not just in the battles of the war between gum gums and Trolls but both in Jim's High school life and his Trollhunter life. He stayed by Jim's side since they were kids, staying by his side since then, he fought for Jim, Made him happy when he was sad, made sure he was okay, Made sure he was happy and most of all, be-not just his best friend or alley, but his brother, his family. Tobey and Jim were brothers, not by bloodline but by the love and support they had, a connection in a way.

"Its gonna be okay, he's gonna be okay" Tobey told himself, mumbling the words to himself over and iver till they were sealed in hid thoughts. "Come on Master Jim!" Blinky said, giving Jim 2 rescue breaths. Aaarrrgghh just stood behind him, thinking about Jim being alive. But soon after a couple of minutes he lost faith, everyone did. "jim, please, please wake up and say something stupid, cheesy even, just please wake up!" Claire held him to her, tears crashing down into his stone cold skin (no pun intended) "please, I love you, we all do"

Those words seemed to echo in him. Somehow they did, even though there was nothing in him alive anymore, he somehow heard it, letting it echo around his head. "C-..lair-.." Jim groaned in the quietest way, trying to speak but his tongue seemed to be held back. Everyone went silent and looked at Jim in a rush, almost desperately begging Deya, God, Merlin and the gods they believed in to bring him back. Claire almost immediately checked his heart, looking for his beating heart.


She gasped. "jim?" She seemed impatient. Jim's hand twitched. Again, his words were quiet and unsteady. "C-..laire..." his chest now visible moving. Claire let out a sob, but not just because she was sad, but because she knew, the person she loved and cared for more than herself, was alive. The four gathered closer, letting all their bottled up tears lose. "Jimbo?" Toby kneeled down to him. It was quiet, and for a second the team second guessed themselves, but they knew better. And for that very second, Jim's face twitched. Then a groan left his lips as he eyes fluttered open, revealing his ocean blue eyes. "claire..did i ever..compliment your..eyes?" He breathed weakly between his sentences, forcing his energy into his hand, which cupped Claire's cheek, his finger brushing away a strand of lose hair. She chuckled, tears falling down and gathering on her chin, dripping onto Jim's chest. "No..but im glad you did now" she grasped his hand, letting our a thick laugh full of emotions. Then toby let out an over dramatic sigh. "Oh I'm so glad your alive Jimbo!" He threw himself on his two close friends, family if you will. The two laughed, jim ignoring his ribs pain only for this moment and hugging the two back, almost feeling his own tears gather in his eyes, fogging his vision. Blinky and Aaarrrgghh gathering around, Aaarrrgghh hugging the small group, forcing blinky in. "Group hug" he smiled widely. Jim chuckled. "Wait! So does this mean we won?!" Toby gasped. "Officially yes, tobias"  Blinky cheered gleefully. Claire sighed  and helped Jim up, making the hero lean onto her. Oh yeah, he's lucky his mom is a doctor. Jim held his side and sighed, taking in the somewhat fresh Arcadia oaks air.

"Yeah..guess we did win"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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