Part 2

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*Kiara Pov*

I woke up to bright beams of sunlight reflecting in my eyes. I was still in JJs arms, he was still holding me from last night. My heart filled with joy knowing I had some to talk to about what I was feeling.

I was just laying there staring at blonde boy holding me. I decided to get up because everyone else was probably awake.

I got up and started to walk back to the palm tree but someone grabbed my arm, "Kie come back" JJ said in a sleepy voice. "J we need to get up" I replied. "Pleaseee 5 more minutes." I agreed and layed back down. He pulled me close and held me tight. I felt butterflies and never regretted laying back down.

*Sarah POV*

I woke up and Kie was gone. I went to the other side of the palm tree and JJ was gone too. "John B" I whispered as I tapped him on the shoulder. "Sarah go back to bed its to early" he said half asleep.

"John B this is serious!" I whispered louder. "What happened?" He questioned. "JJ and Kie are missing!" I tried not to say too loudly. "What?" John B said and he sat up. "We need to look for them" John B said concerned.

"Come on lets go." I stated. He kept questioning me about why not wake up Cleo and Pope up. I eventually convinced him to let them sleep in.

We kept looking and no luck. "Sarah we cant find them!" John B said. "Over there!" I yelled. I was extremely happy, we finally saw them. They were cuddling. That seemed weird because Kiara tells me everything that happens with her or what she's feeling.

*Kiara POV*

I was finally about to fall asleep again but then I saw John B and Sarah walking towards us. "Hey lovebirds get up" Sarah said with a giggle. "Shut up we were cold" JJ said. A small part of me was glad JJ never told them about last night.

We both got up and headed back towards Pope and Cleo who were already up. "Where were you guys we got scared" Cleo said. "We woke up and couldn't find JJ and Kiara so we went looking for them, we let you guys sleep in." John B said.

*Pope POV*

It was weird. JJ and Kiara, both were missing when John B and Sarah got up. I didn't put much thought into it.

"Ok guys lets split into groups and search this island. We need to find fresh water, food and collect materials to build a shelter" I said. "wait Pope you mean we actually need food and water to survive?" JJ said sarcastically.

Kiara giggled at his joke. I tried not to be but couldn't help to be jealous. It was just annoying. The thought of them together. It doesn't make any sense.

"Great idea Pope lets split into groups. How about me and John B, you and Cleo and Kiara and JJ. "Sarah said. "Are you sure thats a good id-" I was cut off by Kiara and JJ.

"Hey J last one to the forest is a rotten Kook" Kie said. "Your so on!" JJ said. They were both laughing and already started running. "Come on Pope I don't bite" Cleo said as she grabbed my arm and started walking.


Me and Kie were running towards the forest, I was ahead but she somehow managed to get ahead and beat me. "Haha I beat you" she laughed. I smiled and just admired her.

We started walking around. We were cracking jokes with each other. It was pretty silent after a little bit until Kiara broke the silence. (Im gonna put there conversation in different rows just because I don't want to keep repeating he said she said. Hope you don't mine❤️)

"Hey JJ"


"Thank you"

"For what?"
"Last night. Just being there for me, you made me feel a lot better, and not telling Sarah and John B.."

"You don't need to thank me ill always be here for you"

"Hey do you mind keeping what happened between us?"

"No problem"

I liked being there for Kie. It made me happy just knowing I made her feel better.

We continued walking and picked up some wood and fruit. "God Im so stupid!" Kie yelled. "Hey whats wrong?" I asked. "No JJ. You keep asking me whats wrong. You've been here for me ever since we stepped foot on that boat and I never once asked you whats wrong." She said calm but sad.

"Kie I'm ok don't worry." I said. "No your not JJ. You know that. Please just tell me. You took care of me last night so i'm here for you. Please just talk to me." She said grabbing mg hands and squeezing them.

I don't like expressing myself to people, especially not Kiara. She was my best friend. As much as I wanted to hide my feelings and just act liked a locked door.

I stared into her dark brown eyes and it just happened. I opened myself up to her. As much as I hated doing it I knew I needed to.  "Kie. I'm not just a pouge. Im from the cut. People see me as my dad. And it hurts it really does. I am not like him! He is a shitty person. He abused me emotionally and physically for years. He beat me to the ground every time I went home. But thats the thing. I don't have a home. Ive never told anyone this but sometimes I think what am I doing wrong. The one memory I have of my mom is her leaving. Saying I was a mistake and I was my dads fault now. I was just a kid. Fuck I was only three. Three year olds don't go through abuse! They're out doing things with there families. They go to the beach or park. They have family dinners! And maybe I am crazy because I love my dad. He is my dad. He is a horrible person but the only family I had. Now he left too! I have no one. No one! And I can't help to think that you are gonna leave me to! Then Im gonna live a big unhappy life alone." I said a little to loudly then I would like.

*Kiara POV*

As those words left JJ's mouth my heart broke. I could see the instant pain in his eyes. I was so selfish! Here I was being upset and said because I missed my family.

Sometimes you see right through people and are too busy thinking about your own problems you don't even ask a simple question, whats wrong? or are you ok?

I started to cry and pulled him into a hug. He started to cry "What am I doing wrong". "Shhh hey its ok. You did nothing wrong, your human." I responded.

We just stood there both crying in each others arms.

Word count: 1230

So sorry if you think these chapters are repetitive I just wanted to get this part in. I promise something different is gonna happen next time.🥰✨

P.S Wanted to let you know I try to make chapters come out every few days the longest will most likely be a week😘

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