Chapter 2

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-Would you like some drink?-asked Jake smiling as charmly as he could at the two werewolves. -I'm Jake by the way, I threw this party with my friends.
-Oh yeah we would like some.-said the tall, handsome one.-I'm K and this is EJ.
-Hello.-said EJ smiling.
-These are you drinks. -said Jake as he handed the drinks over. He already put the wolf's bane in it before they came here.
-Thank you. -smiled the werewolves as they went away.
-Enjoy the party.-shouted Jake after them.-Come back for drinks if you want to.
-Why don't you just tell them our plan at this rate?-asked Sunghoon as he came here next to Jake in a second.
-Oh my god. I already told you, don't. do. this. You always scare me.-said Jake angrily as he pointed at Sunghoon's chest.-And trust me, I know what I'm doing. We've killed a "few" werewolves. -said Jake sarcastically.
-Yeah I know. Just be careful. Don't underestimate them.-whispered Sunghoon then he went away.
-You were good Jake.-whispered Heeseung.-But we still have to accomplish a few parts of the task. Sunoo do your thing, be charming.
-I always am.-answered Sunoo. -Let's do this.-he said excitedly.

Sunoo did his thing after one hour because it would've been too suspicious if he moved right away. He waited til the wolf's bane had an effect on them, then he approached them.
-Hello guys.-smiled Sunoo as he stood next to them.
-Oh hello.-waved EJ, but it was obvious he could barely stand on his own feet.
-Would you like to come with me? We're playing a fun game upstairs.-said Sunoo and he waited til the two started to follow him.
-Yess.-smiled Jake. -Now only Sunghoon and Heeseung has to finish their task.
-Consider it done.-smirked Sunghoon as he started walking upstairs.

The others heard that the door closed behind them meaning the two werewolves were already in the room. The next task to be done is the questioning. It lasts for a few seconds before the killing, and Heeseung always does it. He's just good at it.
He went inside, and stood in front of the werewolves.
-Let this begin.-he smirked as he sat down.

-Sunghoon, what's happening?-asked Jay after a few minutes. Heeseung was still inside, and Sunghoon was behind the door waiting to storm in and kill then.
-I don't know. This is getting long.-sighed Sunghoon. -Am I the only one that is getting extremely tired?
-No, me too.-whispered Jake back, and he almost fell on the floor.
-What's wrong with you guys?-asked Jungwon worriedly. He quickly ran next to Jake.-Look at me. What did you drink?
-I-I don't know.-he answered. He wanted to lay down so he started walking to the couch.
Jay told the guests to quickly go to the backyard then he came back. He didn't want anyone to witness this.
-Sunghoon? Sunghoon?-asked Jay. Sunoo and Niki ran up quietly to see if he's okay.
-Sunghoon, will you be able to do your task?-asked Jay again, getting angry and worried.
-No he won't be.-said Niki as quietly as he could.-He's almost asleep.
-Damn it.-whispered Jay angrily. But suddenly the door opened, the werewolves grabbed Sunghoon.
-Heeseung? What the hell?-asked Sunoo and went into the room. Heeseung was on the floor unconsciously.-Jay come upstairs right now. Jungwon, they got Sunghoon.
-I'm on it.-he said. But a second later, his head was hit into the table.
-Vampires. I hate them so much.-said K being really annoyed as he put Jake on his back. -We'll come back for you guys later. Sunoo, Niki, Jay, Jungwon and Heeseung.-he said laughing as they walked out with the sleeping vampires on their back.

Bloody Party • JakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now