Chapter two {A Horrible Plan Then A Panic Attack}

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                          -Mina POV-

   "That's a horrible plan." Sero deadpanned, unamused. "For once I agree with one of you idiots." Bakugou groaned, not even looking up from his phone. "Come onnnnnnnn, I know she's dating someone and she didn't even tell us! I'm offended." "Maybe she wants to keep it private?" Kaminari whispered back.

"Yeah, maybe your right." I replied. "Alright now shut the fuck up and let me eat dumbasses." Bakugou grumbled. No one listened of course.

'As if Kaminari is going to stop me.' I thought to myself, letting out a huff of pride. 'The plan will just have to be set off for a while, or at least until everyone forgets'

"Wait I just had another idea guys!" I blurted. "What is it?" Kaminari turned his head towards me so fast it scared me. "What if we only follow here around school grounds and not dorm areas?"

"Raccoon eyes, THAT IS LITERALLY ALMOST THE SAME AS THE LAST PLAN." Bakugou yelled, gaining us a few weird looks. "Shhhhhhh quiet Bakubro!" Kirishima whispered.

"I could care less, I don't want to be involved in this shit." He snapped. "Awh come on, this could be fun!" Sero piped up. "So we're doing the plan?" I said excitedly. "No, sit back down." He once again, deadpanned. I had stood up? Oh well. "But whyyyyyy, it doesn't hurt anyoneeeeee!" I whined. "Not physically, but it could hurt Momo's feelings." Sero said not even looking up from his phone, which he'd just turned on I suppose.

"But-" I groaned, slumping down to the table. "Listen Raccoon Eyes, you can do the plan, just don't get us involved." Bakugou grumbled taking a bite of whatever weird food he had.

"Your seriously gonna let her do the plan Bakubro?" Kaminari spoke up. "Yeah whatever Dunce Face, as long as I don't get involved I guess." He grumbled. "Awhhh, Bakubroooo, you care about usssss!" I chirped.

"Go to hell raccoon eyes, I just don't wanna get in trouble with Aizawa-Sensei." He said, rolling his eyes. "Fine then!" I huffed. "I'll just get Hagakure to help me!"

I jumped up from my seat, shooting them a glare. "Listen Mina, we'll help, as long as we can come up with a non-illegal plan." Sero said. "Yeah,your plan is to just follow her around till you see her with someone." Kaminari replied.

"Alright fine, I won't try to figure anything about this " mysterious lover" of hers" I said, obviously frustrated. "Mina, we don't even know if she has one" Denki said, looking tired of my shit.

"I- Your right" I groaned, slumping onto the table, accidentally shaking it. Making Bakugou's salad spill onto his lap. I was dead. I sprang up. "Welp! Gotta go!" I yelped, almost tripping over, absolutely nothing.

I could feel death at my door step.

                     -Momo POV-

I was doing homework sitting at my desk, the TV blaring some show Kyoka had put on, when suddenly "Babe I think their suspicious about our relationship." She said. "Yeah, I'm not quite ready to be open about it.." "Well if you want we can hide it for as long as you want" She replied, stretching out.

"That would be nice darling, thank you.." I replied trying to hide my face, it was red and there was no doubt my eyes were betraying me by filling with happy tears. "Are you okay?" She said sitting up and crossing her legs.

"Yes Kyo, I'm perfect, thank you" I said, my voice slightly cracking. "Jeez I'll say, you are." She then flopped back onto the oversized bed. I didn't think my face could get more red. But it did..

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