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Today at work I couldn't concentrate on anything, I was thinking about the fact that in a few days my daughter will be 16 years old.We parents try our best to protect our children from everything bad, but we are not able to protect them, no matter how much we want to.

Thinking back to those years, my mother protected me as much as she could from everything bad. She always said 'don't trust people, don't get in cars, and don't go anywhere with a stranger.But, she also taught me: to be polite, honest, and helpful; so I was. I tried to be helpful and honest, I helped the elderly and those who needed help.

Since I was a child I wanted to be a doctor, to treat people or animals; when we went to the countryside to visit my family, cats and dogs were my patients.That is how I was: helpful to people, loving animals and the world around me; a smiling, cheerful teenager, full and curious of life.

But to this day I still wonder if it was worth it to be a polite and naive girl, thinking that all people are as wonderful and good as me?

In the end my mother was not able to protect me from bad people. Unfortunately, sometimes it's impossible to protect a child from evil, even if we want to because we do not influence it.Today I know that my politeness and naivety did not pay off, because before my sixteenth birthday I experienced a day that changed my life forever. That day was a nightmare that continues to this day, even though today I am a grown woman - I know that I will never forget that nightmarish day.

Today I am an adult woman, very happy. I have a wonderful husband and lovely children; I love my job, what I do for people and it is beautiful when I hear 'Thank you, doctor'.

Naiwna (English Version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant