Clarke glanced over, trying to see if maybe the army was already there, hidden in the trees just waiting for them to try to step out of the walls once again. Athena felt someone grab her arm and shove her, but she remained steady and ducked out of their grasp, “She sent us out there to die!”

                Bellamy turned on his heel and grabbed the kid by the collar, shoving him to the ground. “Don’t you lay a damn hand on her.”

                “She had to have known they would slaughter us out there, she is one of them!”

                Athena barred her teeth, regressing back into her hatred and her anger for the Sky People. More of them hated her than trusted her, and she had not thought ill of them and rooted for them when everyone turned their back on her. She had no home, and she didn’t belong with the Sky People, but behind this wall she was stuck by their side. Fighting with them would only help Anya’s army; if they began slaughtering each other here, the job would be half done by the time Anya even arrived.

                The kid stepped back, brushing dirt off of his shoulder and glaring at Athena. “I won’t fight beside her.”

                “You’re welcome to leave.” Bellamy retorted.

                “We don’t have time to argue, and we don’t have time to leave again.” Athena snapped, “Today, you fight or you die.”

                “Or both.” The kid retorted with a grimace, then headed off out of sight.

                “Clarke!” Finn stepped up to the blonde, a gun in his hand, and Athena turned her attention back to those who were making decisions. “If we are here when Tristan gets here…”

                “Lincoln said ‘scouts’. More than one. He told us to leave before the scouts arrived. They’re already here.” She made the logical conclusion. Then she turned to Bellamy, and for a brief moment Athena caught the distraught and broken look in her eyes. Though she was willing to stay and fight, she had serious doubts. There was something else in her eyes too, but Athena didn’t identify it. “Looks like you’ve got your fight.”

                “Okay, then. This is what we've been preparing for. Kill them before they kill us. Gunners, to your posts. Use the tunnels to get in and out. From now on, the gate stays closed.” Bellamy called out, taking authority from Clarke’s hands.

                Everyone ran to their posts, and Athena limped up to Bellamy to announce her position again. “I’ll be fighting outside those walls.”

                “No, you’re wounded and you will be safer here.”

                “Safety is none of my concern. I am a trained warrior and I do not hide behind walls.” She didn’t mean it as an insult, Bellamy and the others were far from warriors. They would do better behind the walls. “I have no long range weaponry, no arrows to show. My spear is my weapon today, and my courage and willingness to die for you.”

                “I won’t let you die for me.” He argued.

                “Shut up.” She shook her head, “I hardly know you, Bellamy. You go figure out how you are going to stop my people, and I will make sure many of them do not make it even to your mines. They need you to lead, and you need me to fight. There is also… something I must do tonight.”

                Bellamy pressed his lips together tight, draining some of the colour. As he opened his mouth to speak, Athena shook her head and turned towards the tunnel that would lead her safely outside of the camp without risking stepping on any mines. She knew the general area of where they were, but she wasn’t going to risk it. She had to be out of firing range, otherwise she would be mistaken as the enemy and she would be shot down. She might be able to blend in with her own people, and neither side would attack her, but hiding behind a mask was not how she fought. This had to be face to face.


Before she reached the tunnel she turned and glanced at Bellamy, who still looked upset. “Hey Bellamy, don’t shoot me.”

Your comments mean a lot to me, but I only seem to be getting comments that have absolutely nothing to do with the story. I want at least three comments ABOUT the chapter (not about the actress who plays Athena or about my tattoo, okay?) before I post again. It's a bit shitty when I get so many votes yet no one cares to say "hey, good chapter". 

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