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lost in the labyrinth of nostalgic cries

Tick-tock, the clock strikes midnight,
Suddenly my heart starts to suffocate.

Tick-tock, echoes of buried moments loom,
Ghosts of the past, a relentless gloom.
Hunted by the echoes of yesterday's tearful sighs,
I wander, lost in the labyrinth of nostalgic cries.

In times when heartache holds me tight,
"Ink your sorrows on the pages of solace," my mother would whisper,
But I wanted to disappear,
So I tore the paper apart,
Like how the pain ripped my heart.

Slap after slap, a scolding spree,
Oh, dear, she loathes the squandering of parchment's plea.
A mother like she,
Would eternally leave a trail of shattered glass for all to see
And etch permanent scars upon the cloaks enfolding the secrets of my soul, deeply.

"Mama, mama," I cry within me.
Can't you sense the pain in me?
My cries, they blend and blend,
Until I'm lost in echoes where no one can see.
"Mama," my sobs resound,
lost in echoes, nowhere to be found.

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