He speaks sternly as he moves his pawn lost in his thoughts. She observes him from the corner of her eyes.

Sana: Surely not better than me. (Moves her pawn and smirks)

He glares at her.

Sana: Your turn.

Sid clinched his jaws and moves his pawn. Another few moves in silence.

Sana: Check (chuckles)

He looks at the pawn carefully though his mind was cluttered. Her chuckle ripped him harder like a sharp edged sword. He finally vents out his anger.

Sid: What do you know about my life Sana? I never gave up in my life. I've always kept ahead in whatever I did in my life. I was far, far ahead of my competitors.

He stops himself from giving out more details and moves the pawns by flaring his nostrils in anger.

Sid: Check!

Sana wanted to dig further. She moves her pawn.

Sana: Check! So, one fine day your competitor overpowered you which hurt your ego and you decided to end your life.

Sid: What? Imagining things can satisfy your intrigued mind but wouldn't change the reality. I was betrayed. Betrayed my own mother for money and power. When you run out of breath, you look out for life support and breath using a oxygen mask but if the oxygen cylinder itself is poisoned, how do you survive? (Moves his pawn)

Sana: No one can stop you, except you yourself. You were betraying your life just because you were betrayed by others? Suicide is when you kill your inner conscience by doing wrong, but if you know that you weren't wrong then why would you want to kill yourself? I will prefer to stay alive and remind my wrongdoers that they were wrong not me. (Moves her pawn) Check.

He looks down at the pawns while his mind was rewinding and echoing her words. He knew she was right. Indeed, he was betraying his life and he wasn't wrong in trusting them. Why was he punishing himself for other's crime?

He got up and pulled her up from her place and hugged her tightly. Her hand was loose hanging in air.

Sid: Thanks Sana. I was under a burden that it was my mistake of trusting them all this time. But you helped me take off the burden on my mind. I wasn't wrong. I was never wrong. I haven't lost. They have lost. Lost to their conscience. Thank you Sana.

Sana hugs him back and pats his back.

Sana: I am glad, I could help you Sid.

They stayed in the position for sometime until Sana realized it. She released her hold and he pulled back. She looked around in embarrassment.

Sid: (clears his throat) My turn.

Sana: Aaa? Hmmm..

Sid goes back and occupies his seat. He moves his pawn and Sana lost in her thoughts moves her pawn. Her mind was still thinking about the hug and the feeling she was developing for him. He moves his pawn

Sid: (smiles) Checkmate! Woaahhh!!! I won!! yooohhooooo (hoots)

Sana: (looks at her pawns to confirm) Congratulations (claps with a faded smile)

She was still lost trying to understand her own feelings. She was an expert at getting people open up their hidden emotions but today she couldn't understand her own emotions.

Sid: Hey!! Be sportive!! I know it's hard to accept defeat but please don't feel low and make me feel bad for winning.

Sana: (smiles) No, I am happy that you won. I will always be.

Sid: Hmm.. There won't be any concession for buttering. You have to serve the punishment regardless.

Sana: (surprised) Huh? What is the punishment?

Sid: A dinner date with me?

Sana: Date?

Sid: Yes, Date! It's a common thing between boyfriend and girlfriend, you see? Just for your knowledge incase you haven't researched it. (Teases her with his tongue out.)

Sana: (smiles) Okay. But where will you take me since you know nothing about Bengaluru?

Sid: All Hail to the Google Maharaj!! (Winks)

Sana laughs. He gazes at her hopelessly.

Sid: You know Sana, your laughter is so magical. That day when you called me, I was standing at the tip of the mountain to jump off and end this life. I was frustrated when you gave a missed call and then a blank call. But when you laughed at my anger, it just vanished into thin air as if it never existed. That laughter is a life saver.

Sana: (smiles with a blush) Thank you.

Sid: Hmm.. I need to go out for sometime, may I?

Sana: You don't have to take my permission. I ain't your wife. (Giggles)

A soft smile escapes his lips.
Sid: Hello Advocate Batra, I want to file a case against a person for forcing me to sign a property and estate document. Can it be done?

Batra: Hello Mr. Sidharth Gujral. Yes, it is a crime under Contracts Act to force someone to obtain signature on legal documents. We can sue them for coercion. We will need to file a complaint with police first. Also, will need futher details about the case. Who is it against?

Sid: Mrs. Devyani Gujral

Batra: What? That's your..

Sid: Mother.. Sorry, I stand corrected, step mother.. Will you be able to do it, now that you know the name? I can't afford to pay the fees at the moment but I will do it as soon as I get back my estate.

Batra: Mr. Gujral, I am already indebted to you as you've supported me in the past during the worst phase of my life. I am with you in this. I will make sure you get back your righteous belongings.

Sid: Thanks Mr. Batra. I knew I can trust only you at the moment.

He narrates the entire incident and discusses the case.

Batra: Okay Mr. Gujral. If we can prove coercion, the entire contract will stand void. We need some evidence. I know a person who can get us the needed evidence. I will do some ground work and get back to you.

Sid: Thank you once again.

He disconnects the call and goes back home.

Sana, if you hadn't showed me the right path, I would have never fought back. I am not greedy for money and estate. I have the confidence and ability to restart and earn everything in few years but I won't forgive those cheaters. As, my grandmother had taught me by way of her spiritual stories, tolerating injustice is a bigger crime than doing an injustice. Justice should be served.


To be continued.. ❤️❤️

Love, Sana! ✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt