water walk

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You then saw that there was a sign that said exit, but you have to go through the water that has a bunch of squid dogs and tiger sharks, so you had no choice but to walk through, but you had to come up with a plan to not come in contact with them, so you decided to be sneaky.

You thought that they could have already saw you, but you knew it would be hard for them to see you from there view, and you knew a tiger shark couldn't stand up on to feet out of the water, so you stepped in a stone pathway that was kinda underwater Which the water felt very cold and refreshing. When you got deeper down to your waste while walking on the pathway things started to get weird. You felt like things were trying to drag you under, but you thought you were just scarring yourself.

By the time you got half way through a tiger shark approached you with a smile. You tried to run away but you were to slow. It then dragged you under water. You then could feel yourself change. Firstly You could feel something grow on you that gave you the ability to breathe underwater, but not above anymore. Secondly you could see your skin color change to a greyish and white tent all over your body. Thirdly you could feel your skin change to a liquidly substance like latex. you could feel it around and in your body moving slowly Which  brought a lot of pleasure and amusement to you makeing you let out a little moan from all the pleasure. Fourthly you then could feel yourself grow a tail which it felt kinda painful but when it was done it was worth it. Fifthly you could feel your nose change into what was a snout which now had gave you the ability to smell alot better. You tried to resist but all of the pleasure, and how your new body was looking you knew it was stupid to resist. Lastly you could feel your parts down there like your dick change. it got slowly covered by the white substance while it sucked on it until it started to change shape which was a little bit more pointy, and little bit more pink you tried to move, and touch it, but all the pleasure couldn't make you move. You then felt your behind slowly grow bigger while the substance slowly covered it bringing so much pressure that couldn't resist sticking your tounge out, and drooling from all the pleasure. I then ft it go into the hole makeing it so easy to spread open.

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