Trick or Treating- Jaws

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"Boys, you ready to go?" It was already 7, and Chevy really didn't want to be out until 10 or later, running all over the island with the two boys hyped up on sugar, even though she had extra help this year. Matt was outside waiting on the sidewalk while Chevy rounded up Sean and Micheal. Micheal was the first down the stairs, where he stood proudly in his batman costume while Ellen took a picture.
"Go get your basket," Ellen instructed. "And where's your brother?"
"He's coming," Micheal promised, brushing past his mom and into the kitchen, where the candy bags Chevy had made specifically for the boys were waiting on the table.
"You sure Matt doesn't want to come in?" Ellen asked, looking out the window behind Chevy.
"He said he didn't want to ruin our pictures." Matt didn't want to dress up, even though Chevy had begged him to pick a superhero so he could match her and the boys.
"Tell him he's too handsome for that," Ellen teased, as Sean finally began to descend the stairs.
"I'm ready!"
"Finally!" Chevy sighed sarcastically. Sean reached the bottom of the stairs and wrapped Chevys legs up in a hug. "A super strong Superman hug!"
"Here Sean," Micheal said, handing him his candy bag.
"Alright, Sean, let me get your picture than let me get one of all of all of you so you can get out of here." Sean pulled away from Chevy to pose for his mom, than after a couple of group pictures Chevy took both boys hands and lead them out the door.
"Woah!" Matt said as the group walked towards him. "Batman and Superman are here!" The boys both ran towards him.
"And Wonder Woman!" Sean said, pointed towards Chevy. Matt squatted down so he was at the boys height.
"You guys think I've got a chance with her?" He whispered, loud enough so Chevy could hear. "I think she's pretty cute." The boys both laughed. Matt stood as Chevy reached them. "What do you think, Wonder Woman? Do I have a shot?" Chevy pretended to consider.
"Wonder Woman doesn't like guys who won't wear Halloween Costumes." Matt faked a pained groaned.
"I am dressed up," Matt defended to the boys. "I'm a shark researcher." Chevy rolled her eyes.
"You're you!" Micheal said.
"Well, I'd like to be me with some candy, so what do you guys say we get going, huh?" Both boys cheered, and Sean grabbed Matt and Chevys hands to walk between them. Micheal, who now considered himself nearly too old for trick or treating, walked next to Matt, swinging his empty candy bag.

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