How It Came To Pass

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This is the story of court and the king who led it. At the time though he was just pretending to be king. In actuality he was just a prince. But his imagination was vast as was his persuasive nature. Tamaki Suoh loved his little court. He loved giving other people a place to enjoy themselves and get away from some of the depression in life. That's why he made the decision he did on that fateful day in which changed his life.

Tamaki had left early in the morning headed off from the main estate to a more quiet one for spring. As he was passing through town his horse nearly trampled a short young person on the street.

"Oh my!" He exclaimed. "Are you alright?"

Tamaki leapt off his horse and landed on the ground next to the commoner. The young person sat up and looked around a little confused.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to step out in the street like that." They said apologizing. "Umm do you happen to know which way the gate is? I've lost my way."

Tamaki was shocked. A commoner had ever spoken to him like this before. "Oh it's this way. I'm headed that way myself, would you like to follow along?"

"Umm, sure, I guess that's fine." The commoner stood up and dusted themself off.  "Are you part of the court? I noticed you have some guards following you, and your clothes are nice."

"Why yes, I am part of the court but I was headed out to Ouran. One of the garden estates." Tamaki was still surprised that this commoner didn't know who he was. He knew that everyone talked about him. "Where are you headed to?"

The young person turned towards Tamaki, their bright brown eyes looking straight into his. "Oh, me? I'm not really going anywhere." The explained. "You see, both of my parents died and my family is not from around here. So I'm just kinda wondering around looking for a place to live."

Tamaki walked along side this commoner thinking. He didn't know why but he liked them. They where wholesome and kind looking. It wasn't something he saw often. Suddenly a wild idea struck him.

"Hey, would you like to come to Ouran with me?" He exclaimed exitedly. "I'll give you a job and you'll live well! It's a once in a life time opportunity and you'll never regret it!"

"Are you sure about that, sir?" They stopped walking and thought for a moment. "I mean you don't even know me or what I'm good at. And also I'm not of high standing like you are. I don't know how to act."

"No worries!" Tamaki was getting more into the idea. "I kinda like the idea of teaching you! And I like your personality. What's your name commoner?"

"Well first off that's rude." They said impertinently. "And my name is Haruhi Fujioka. I'm from the country to the west. But we have been here for a few years. Mostly wondering from town to town."

"Well then Haruhi, I welcome you to court!" Extending his hand as of to show off a room.

"Umm sir, there is no court here." Haruhi explained.

"On the contrary, my dear, court is where ever I am!" Tamaki turned to a guard. "Grab my new friend a horse. He's going to be riding with me to Ouran.  Also send a message ahead of me to Kyoya. I'm bringing a friend and need a room made up from him."

"Him?" Wondered Haruhi. "Oh, maybe that's more of the pretending stuff."

King Tamaki and his court Where stories live. Discover now