The Enemies

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Hi friends,
I’m back with the update.. I'm really sorry for being so late in updating.. Thank you so much for your votes & comments on previous parts .. Here is the next part, it's really a long one.. This part contain so many revelations, sorry if you feel this part as a big drag.. Hope you like this update..

It's been so long since I updated this story last so many of you may have forgot about the storyline so here is a short summary of the story,

Rk & Madhu got married but they initially didn't like each other .. Both have faced a heartbreak in the past.. Rk lost his girlfriend Deepali in an accident while Madhu's boyfriend Mukund Dixit betrayed her, he kidnapped her & in self defense she shot him.. Both Rk & Madhu fall in love slowly everything was going well for them when Rk's ex girlfriend Deepali whom he assumed to be dead returned.. Deepali wants Rk back & Madhu out of his life.. In the last episode on day of Holi Deepali mixed something in Madhu's food & she fell ill.. Story continues from here..

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2 hours later

Rk & Madhu came back from the hospital..
“Rish, I’m ok .. You don’t have to hold me” Madhu tells Rk who was helping her to walk inside their bedroom..
“No!! Now walk..” Rk tells her as he leads her towards the bed & makes her sit on it.. He sits beside her & tells “Take rest, Madhu..”.. “I’m not sick & today is holi..”Madhu tells him stubbornly to which she gets a sharp glare from Rk..
“Rk..”They hear Deepali’s voice & see her coming towards them.. Madhu frowns seeing her not liking her barging into their room while Rk simply sits there looking at her.. “What happened to, Madhu??” Deepali asks faking concern ..
“Nothing, Dr said it was due to something she ate..”Rk tells her.. Hearing that Madhu looks at him confused..
“But we all ate the same breakfast right..?? ”Deepali tells acting confused.. Rk just shrugs his shoulder.. Deepali felt something off but she didn’t put her finger on it..
“You should take rest, Madhu..”Deepali advices her.. Madhu smiles as she tells her “Thanks for your concern, Deepali but I’m perfectly alright now..”.. “If you don’t mind I wanted to talk with my husband.. Personally..”
“Oh sure..”Deepali tells as she leaves from there cursing Madhu inwardly.. She was hoping to celebrate holi with Rishabh alone but that Madhubala spoiled her all plans.. As Deepali left from there closing the door behind her Rk turns to Madhu to talk .. Seeing him open his mouth to say something Madhu stops him & tells “I know what you’re coming to say but Rish, I’m truly fine.. I don’t want to sit home ideally, today is holi & it’s been years since I played holi not only me even you.. Also it’s the first holi after our marriage .. Plz I will be careful..”
“Madhu, why don’t you understand ?? Do you have any idea how worried I was when I saw you fainting .. Holi will come next year as well now you have to take rest it’s not good to play holi on such condition..”Rk tries to make her understand.. “I will be careful, Rish.. Also you will be with me na, please..”Madhu pleads with her best puppy dog eyes..
“Fine..”He sighs as he agrees “But not for too long, ok??”
“Ok..Thank you, Rish..” She smiles brightly in happiness & kisses him on his cheek in turn he pulls her towards him & kisses her on her lips..

Rk & Madhu were happily taking part in holi celebration .. Rk puts colour on Madhu’s face & she did the same ..
“I will go get something to drink for us..”Rk tells Madhu “No bhang, ok..??”Madhu tells him.. “Ok, no bhang for you..” he tells her .. “For you as well..”Madhu orders him frowning .. Rk rolls his eyes at her order & goes to get their drinks..

Madhu’s pov

I see Rish going to get us drinks & smile.. I can’t help my smile whenever I see him he is the best thing that has ever happened in my life.. That’s when I noticed deepali standing at the other corner watching my Rish .. I frown angrily, I not at all like this woman staying with us especially when I know she still has feelings for my husband.. I was shooting daggers at her through my eyes when I hear someone call my name & his voice sounded so familiar.. I turn back to see who it was & for a second I lost my breathe, I couldn’t believe my eyes .. I was shocked to the core that it was impossible for me to even utter a word.. I stood there paralyzed looking at the person in front of me.. How can he?? No, this couldn’t be true.. I thought it was just my illusion until I hear him again “Madhu, I need to to talk to you..”.. He takes a step forward & I immediately take a step back.. I wanted to turn & run away from him but I couldn’t even move I inch.. My vision starts to blur & I feel like losing balance on my feet.. Am I going to faint again?? Before I could comprehend anything I feel my legs giving up & I start to fall but before I could hit the ground I feel someone hold me by my wais preventing my fall & I immediately realized who it was, It was my husband, my Rishabh..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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