Just a normal lunch break

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A lot of crazy things had happened to Mobius M. Mobius in his life, but the god of mischief let all of that seem pretty ordinary. Right now the two of them sat at one of the small Tables in the TVA Cafeteria and Loki seemingly decided to drive Mobius crazy ones and for all.

Even tho Mobius had to say that so far working with Loki had been going surprisingly well. Of course they had a few problems at the beginning and Mobius still wasn't to sure, if Loki wasn't going to betray him every second, but all in all he felt like, he and Loki had become something of a team.

Which of course didn't change anything about the fact, that Loki was absolutely annoying.

Mobius had placed a few Documents around him on the table. He had wanted to talk with Loki about their next mission, but the god in front of him seemingly had other plans.

"You can trust me."

Currently Loki was trying to convince him, that it actually wouldn't be a horrible idea, to let Loki walk of on their own, to spy and gather information.

"Loki, I have studied almost every moment of your entire life. You've literally stabbed people in the back like fifty times."

Just because they had been working together for a while now, didn't mean he could trust the freaking god of lies in any way.

"Well, I'd never do it again!" Answered Loki while throwing their arms in the air. Then out of the blue they leaned forward a bit, put on their most charming smile and asked, "So, you analysed my life, huh?"


Mobius really should have seen this question coming, considering how afraid he had been of it.

"That is just a completely normal measure we do for every new employee."

That may have been a little lie.

But it kinda was true from a certain point of view. It really was a standard measure to look a bit into new employees. He didn't had to tell Loki, that he did that way more intensive than necessary, did he?

At this moment Mobius also had to ask himself why he did so in the first place. Til now he had always told himself that he just wanted to be cautious with Loki. The god was dangerous and Mobius had just tried to predict their actions at least a little bit. Unfortunately he now had to realise that that also had been more of a lie than anything else.

He had started with that intention tho, but at some point Loki had started to... fascinate him.

The way they always was at least ten steps ahead of everyone. How they controlled and manipulated everyone around them like they were their puppets. Their enviable confidence, their incredible intelligence, their charisma, their humour, with all of that Loki had put him under their spell. There was however no way he was going to tell Loki any of this.

"Mhm, of course" ,Loki answered with a smug smile, like they had heard Mobius thoughts. Maybe they had. Or maybe Lokis ego had just went to complete madness by now. Mobius suspected the second one.

"You are just trying to change the subject." ,shot Mobius back like this wasn't exactly what he was trying to do right now, "We should rather focus on our next mission."

Loki theatrical rolled their eyes and seemingly had something something else in mind.

"Yeah, no we are not going to do that."

Now it was Mobius turn to roll his eyes.

"Oh come on, we already planned this thing enough and right now we technically have a break. So we should rather spend our time with like anything else."

Nice little lunch breakWhere stories live. Discover now