Told you so

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With her heart in her stomach Eve knocked on Pierre's door. She knew what he was going to say and she didn't want to hear it. Right now she needed the comfort of her best friend but Pierre was most likely not going to give her that right now. As soon as the Frenchman openend the door new tears started to prick in Eve's eyes. He stayed quiet as he stepped aside to let her in. At least he still let her in.

Pierre was not sure on what to say to his best friend as he glanced over at her playing with the hem of her shirt, avoiding any eye contact. An 'I told you so' wasn't going to do anything but it was the only thing he could come up with right now so he decided to stay quiet, let her be the first to speak. "You were right", she mumbled after a little while. I told you so, he thought but he kept quiet.

"You fucked up Eve", Pierre said after a while. Eve deeply sighed in response. "Don't you think I know that?". "I know", he answered softly. Once again a loaded silence fell between the two friends. Pierre didn't know what to do, he felt torn between his two best friends. On one side he wanted to be so mad at Eve for being so naive and breaking Charles' heart in the process but on the other hand he wanted nothing more than the wrap his arms tightly around her, comfort her and help her fix this. After absolutely beating the shit out of Callum of course.

A single tear escaped from Eve's eye. "I really thought he-". Pierre got up from his chair and moved to sit next to his best friend. "I know". With his thumb he drew gentle circles on her shoulder as she silently cried into her hands. "I am so stupid", she sobbed. It got muffled from her hands in front of her face but Pierre still heard her. He was debating whether to go with don't say that or yeah a little.

"Did you kiss him back?". Pierre was already 99% sure what her answer was going to be but he still just had to ask. Eve looked up at him with tear stained eyes. "No of course not! I pushed him away! Not that it matters...". Eve looked away from her best friend, biting her bottom lip until she tasted blood. "...Charles won't talk to me anymore anyways". "Come here", Pierre said softly as he opened his arms.

Eve gladly fell into her best friends embrace and continued sobbing into his chest. "Charles called me straight away", Pierre told her while stroking her hair. "He was devastated". Making Eve feel even more guilt than she was already feeling if that was even possible. It hurt her chest. Charles deserved better than this. "He's never gonna wanna talk to me again, is he?". Her voice sounded fragile. She had only known Charles for a couple of weeks but he became such an important part of her life, a part she couldn't, and didn't want to, live without. "I don't know Eve", Pierre sighed defeated. "He doesn't know I pushed Callum away immediately...". Pierre shook his head. "He doesn't".

Eve sat straight up. "I have to go talk to him". Pierre shook his head once more."You have to give him some time". She looked up at her best friend wide eyed.  "Time to dwell on the idea that I cheated on him?!"He needs to know what really happened!". Pierre couldn't help but grin slightly amused. "Cheating? I thought you weren't in a relationship?". Eve blinked a couple times, confusion written all over her face. "Yeah-, well-, no- we're not yet", she stammered. "But that doesn't mean in not serious about him". Pierre nodded, not really convinced by her answer. "If Charles and I were in a relationship you'd be the first to know Pierre", Eve chuckled softly. The thought of her and Charles in a relationship made her feel warm inside. The warm feeling turned cold real quick, she completely messed that chance up.

Pierre noticed the shift in her emotions again. "Don't force a conversation on him. You can tell him you want to talk to him, explain what really happened but leave it up to him to decide when he's ready to talk to you". Eve nodded, Pierre was right. Pressuring Charles to talk to her would only push him away further. "I'll just text him I guess".

Hey.... I know I'm probably the last person you want to talk to right now. I hope one day you'll agree to let me explain what really happened between me and Callum, all of it, I am sorry Charles.

Eve turned her phone to Pierre who nodded in approval. Eve didn't know how long it was going to take but she knew it was going to be the worst couple days of her life, maybe even weeks.

"and now we wait", Eve sighed sadly. "And now we wait", Pierre responded.

𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖 • 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝙻𝚎𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚌Where stories live. Discover now