Chapter one: The Prince Appears

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I was supposed to wake up at 6:30 every morning to get dressed and eat some food before the troupe begins to practice for the next show. We were supposed to begin with the simple practices today but we were told that some of the plans had changed. We were told to gather in the main tent and to wait patiently. After I woke up in my bed to the commotion of all the girls talking about the next performance I headed down to the mess hall quickly. I just wanted to get this over with so I wouldn't be in the way of the others and so I could proceed with caution. After eating I dumped all of my dishes and continued to work through the morning waiting patiently in the main tent.

After 10 minutes of waiting in the main tent the owner and founder of the troupe stepped out of the curtains that were hiding many things behind them. "Good morning everyone. I have some great news for the whole troupe. My son is finally done with his training and able to join the troupe as well as every single ballerina here is going to be trying out for many of the roles. Don't forget that this year's performance is Princess Tutu. I will start pulling you out in three hours and the audition will feature a pas de deux."

Most of the women gasped as they grabbed at their hearts. "Ladies please remember you will not see my son until the audition so please be patient as well as try your best. If you do well for this project you will be the lead for quite some time." The founder finished her speech and we all departed back to the chores of the day and then off to dance. My chores were finished after breakfast, considering how quickly I can clean and make myself presentable. When everyone else began their chores I began to dance in the stone patches with the roses surrounding me. The petals that had fallen from the dead blooms following behind my pointed toes and creating a beautiful flower tornado.

The pas de deux is hard to do alone and we do have some other male students but the main role that I want is to be Kraehe. She was gorgeous and broken. Her traumatic past is something that defines the character she is played and I long to be her. If I gather her role I play the role of a villain and most people do not condone this.

I continued to dance the day away until I noticed the crowd of people around me sitting silently in the grass. I blushed in embarrassment and bowed before them. "Nyx you should be next, may want to hurry it up." my friend Tubbo who works with the backstage crew says as he stands up plucking a rose out of the bushes and handing it to me. He's a good friend and I'm thankful that he is here for me.

When I made it to the main tent I saw the judges talking amongst each other quietly. I slipped into the tent and walked up the stage to the center to greet the judges. "Name please?" I nodded my head and began to speak. "My name is Nyx and I will be trying for the part of Kraehe." I bowed and got into position for the Pas de deux. "Since you are trying for the part of Kraehe you will not be doing a Pas de deux. You will be doing your own routine." the judges said as they began writing things down on the board. I nodded my head and got into my own position.

The music started and I lost myself within it. The moment the music stopped however I looked back to the judges who were in awe before turning to the side of the stage to see a boy with fluffy brown hair and a mask and sunglasses on. He was clapping as I bowed to them all. Before I could leave the stage the founder of the troupe stood up quietly. "That was beautiful and very emotional. I do believe you have the part of Kraehe, we will see you tomorrow in here at 8:00 am sharp." I nodded my head and bowed once more heading off the stage. This was the first time I ever got the part I was trying for. I am finally where I belong among the troupe.

When I made it back to the garden Tubbo was sitting in the same spot he was in when I left reading the script for the play and even taking notes on it. I slowly walk up behind him and cover his eyes. "NYX!! I have work I have to do. Come on let me go." he stutters out quickly as I take my spot next to him. "So, great news and I'm really excited for it." I start as he continues the sentence he was writing before I interrupted him. "Shoot." "Well I got the part I was hoping for." Tubbo looked up quickly and smiled at me. "So Kraehe and you have to make out with the prince in the play." Tubbo states as I flush a deep red.

"THAT WASN'T IN THE SCRIPT!!" I shout as I rip the script from his hand and read through it again and again. He chuckled and flipped to the page that the kiss scene resided in and pointed at the page quietly. I read through the lines over and over again before falling onto my back and sighing heavily. "I'm guessing you saw the person playing the prince already?" Tubbo questioned as he continued writing in cues for scenes. "I did, and I'm scared" I answered honestly.

He nodded his head as he handed me the script that he was working on. "There are a couple of scenes where you are lovey dovey with him but in the end there is really nothing we can do about it. We are all big enough to make the decisions and take the consequences. Get out there and do your best. Make the audience cry for god's sake." Tubbo's little pep talk helped me immensely tomorrow was the day we would all personally meet with the founder's son and we would all have to practice with him if we had dances with him.

A couple more hours left till dinner. I think I'll dance a little bit more. "Hey Tubbo, do you still have the violin that I brought with me and do you have your instrument?" I asked as I stood up from my spot quietly. "Yeah I put them in the bushes like we usually do that way no one would steal them. Are you really wanting to do this right now?" Tubbo asked as I nodded my head quickly. He pulled two cases from the bushes handing me my instrument as he began to open his own. A nightly tradition for me and Tubbo is that we would entertain the other dancers if they got too stressed out. So far we haven't been caught by the founder or any of the staff that is tightly associated with her.

As I settle myself into the position to dance with my violin I can hear the soft notes of the pan pipe coming from Tubbo as he moves around hiding in the bushes quickly. After a few measures of music I begin to play my violin and spinning around carefully. I didn't want to hurt myself or the instrument as I began the dance. It was a classic dance that I was requested to do so often but one that I had perfected over time and turned into my own thing. As I danced and we played the instruments a crowd began to grow around us. The roses adding to the appeal of our performance. I looked around the crowd seeing the sad faces of the people go away as they began to cheer for us until my eyes landed on a pair that was covered by sunglasses. I got to the peak of the music and when If finished I pointed the bow at the boy. Everyone split like the red sea and turned to him. He looked scared when I pointed at him. I began to stomp my foot meaning I wanted him to dance. He quickly got the message as the music continued and he joined in with the dancing. At one point more of the orchestra began playing their instruments to accompany our own. Most of the troupe was there enjoying themselves trading out dancers and musicians so that everyone could have a break to eat and hang out with others. The laughter spread around throughout the night made me smile as I grabbed my food and sat down watching some of my other friends dancing their hearts away.

As I was eating I saw Tubbo talking to Tommy one of the main characters of the story. They were having a great time. I was glad to see that they were on good terms again before I realised someone had sat down beside me. When I looked over my shoulder I saw the fluffy haired boy sitting beside me with his sunglasses and mask off. "Oh good evening." I said as I shoveled another spoonful of food into my mouth enjoying the festivities. "How are you so good with the people of the troupe, I was told that they were all so stuck up and scary?" He asked as I chuckled and took a drink of the wine they give us with our drinks. "They aren't stuck up or scary they are all just stressed out. You take the thing that is stressing them out and you change it into a fun pastime and everyone is smiling and having fun. Like me for example I was in the orchestra and a back up dancer for the longest time and now I'm playing the role of Kraehe." I muttered slowly as I continued to shove food into my mouth. "Oh well, My name is Mark, Stage Name is Ranboo. I'll see you tomorrow Nyx." He stood up and walked away from me slowly.

I couldn't sleep much that night but I got plenty of sleep to function at the rehearsals and to continue with the show. We would be getting fitted for the outfits and even learning some of the script piece by piece. His face is stuck in my head with his beautiful heterochromic eyes and his smile that could stop the entire world. Why did he stop the flow of time when he was near me? Why couldn't I get him out of my head. 


having a wonderful time yet because I am, also I'm not gonna be annoying and post author notes in between chapters and interrupt your reading you don't even have to read these but sometimes these will address problems that others have with my stories. Please continue enjoying the book when the next chapter comes out i greatly appreciate all the patience people can have

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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