Chapter Three: Schooltown Follies

813 23 9

Warnings: slight violence

Word Count: 5282

"I don't know who she is or how she is, or when or why she is

But as for where she is, she is where we will go

To Adelaide, to Adelaide

Come on and join the Adelaide Parade-"


    "Adelaide, to Adelaide

Let's go to Adelaide's house..."

Greg's joyful marching melted into a simple walk at the flat ending of his song, glancing up at Scout with raised brows. "I need to fix that last part, but that's the idea."

"Yeah, of course." Scout chuckled.

"So," He pointed to each person as he addressed them. "Beatrice, you sing the high part. Wirt, you sing the really high part."

Wirt raised a brow. "What?"

"And Scout will direct us."

Scout hummed with squinted eyes. "Conduct."

"Scout will conduct us. And-"

Beatrice sighed irritably, causing Scout to frown in confusion. "No one is singing anything anymore. And Wirt, keep moving."

The group turned to said teen, who had stopped a few paces away to kneel down, tying the laces of his mismatched shoes. "But I-I have to- ugh. Alright..." He stood to his feet defeatedly and joined them again.

"But we have to do something fun." Greg insisted.

"You know, we really don't," Beatrice shrugged. "We can just keep walking silently, you know? And- ugh. Wirt, let's go! Come on!"

Wirt stood to his feet again. "Sorry, sorry!"

Scout's irritation towards their winged companion only seemed to grow the more she watched Beatrice push her friends around. Personally, she was not a fan of Debby Downers, and Beatrice happened to be the downest Debby she'd ever met in a short amount of time. Greg tried to insist on the group having fun on their journey yet again, but the bird cut him off. "Greg, don't you wanna be more like your brother? Just always doing what you're told-"


"Just a pathetic pushover who relies on others to make all his decisions?"

"Hey! What?! I'm not a pushover."

"Hold on, Wirt. Let me get to my point."

Wirt scoffed, unsuspecting. "Fine."

"See, Greg? No willpower whatsoever."

Embarrassed to have been so gullible, Wirt turned forward with a huff. Scout sighed and moved closer to the boy's side. "Greg, don't listen to her. I think it's important you have fun on this journey," Her eyes then snapped up to Beatrice. "And you shouldn't discourage a child like that."

Beatrice rolled her eyes. "He needs to learn from a young age that he can't be like... this forever."

"Like what? Like a normal, sweet, loving kid? A-And what do you even know about kids, huh?"

"What do you know about kids?"

"I know enough." Scout crossed her arms and turned her head forward.

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