⁰³ kick-ass

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━━ What else is new with Peter Parker? 

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

THE day ended successfully, and the Osborns made it home safely after school, upon arriving they were met with an empty mansion. It was no surprise that they were greeted by the butler instead of their father, each of them knew that was a fantasy that was never going to turn into a reality. Sylvia had already come to terms with it (not really, but she liked to believe she had) and so she never expected anything from Norman, unlike her big brothers, well, unlike Harry because Harvey really lived in his own world. The next day, Sylvia got up and got ready for school, she descended into the first floor of the mansion and made her way towards the kitchen to grab something to eat. What she wasn't expecting was to find Harry helping their father off the ground.

Sylvia approached them rapidly, her face morphed into one of horror as she made eye contact with Harry, who only shook his head at her as if saying 'Don't ask'. "Help me, Sylvie." The sandy blonde Osborn dropped her bag on the floor and rushed to her father's left side. "Help me get him on the couch. Come on, Dad, work with us."

Norman Osborn groaned, to Sylvia he looked hammered, but she wasn't sure, so she didn't draw any conclusions. They moved him onto the couch and Harry knelt before him, Sylvia sat beside him and rubbed his back, both siblings shared a concerned look before averting their attention from him.

"What were you doing on the floor?" Harry wondered.

Norman opened his mouth to respond, but closed it upon realizing he had no idea how he even ended up there. "I... I don't know." He gave him a clueless look.

"Have you been there all night?" Harry seemed genuinely worried and Sylvia didn't blame him, after losing their mother, Norman was all they had.

Their relationship may seem rocky and sometimes nonexistent, but they loved each other in their own messed-up way.

Sylvia rubbed his back and said in a soft voice. "I'll go and get you some water. Be right back."

She jumped to her feet and made her way out of the living room and down the corridor that led to the kitchen, she found Harvey sound asleep on the table. Sylvia rolled her eyes at her brother but paid him no attention, she grabbed a glass and filled it with water, the noise woke up Harvey.

He heaved his head from the table and stared at Sylvie drowsily. "Are we leaving?"

"You're unbelievable." She closed the faucet once the glass was semi-full and turned to her big brother. "Did you know that our father passed out on the living room floor?"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗚𝗔𝗠𝗘 ━━ Peter ParkerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang