⁰² ocean eyes

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Sylvia debated whether she wanted to laugh or punch him for real, either way, Harvey seemed to be oblivious of how annoyed she was. "I'll do us a favor and pretend like you didn't just say that to me."

"All I'm saying is he has a thing for MJ, so you'll be wasting your time." Harvey continued to talk.

Sylvia abruptly grabbed his arm and halted them both, Peter and Harry got ahead of them and students passed them by. Harry arched an eyebrow at his sister, Sylvia was nowhere near offended, but she was uncomfortable, she didn't like Peter. Did she think he was adorable? Of course. Did she like him? She was just getting to know the guy!

"Listen, Harvey," Sylvia said in a low tone where only he was able to hear her, "I'm not looking for a man. Let's leave it at that. Clear?"

Harvey stared at her for a moment, trying to decipher her emotions through the windows of her eyes, and when he found sincerity he nodded. "Okay." Sylvia sighs, her shoulders which are tense, immediately relaxed. Harvey's usual grin returned, and he hugged his sister over her shoulders and began to catch up with the group. "You know I'm just looking out for you, right? I don't want you getting hurt."

Sylvia sighs, she hugged his waist and pressed her notebook against her chest. "I know. Just don't make a scene while you're at it, you know how much I hate being the center of attention."

"Being the center of attention is fun," Harvey argued. "You're literally all that matters."

"Well, that's not the case for me." She gave him a tight smile, Harvey observed her. "I like to stick to the sidelines. I'm comfortable there."

He gave his arm a reassuring squeeze. "That's okay. I promise to be prudent with my protectiveness, but if required, I'll go all Muhammad Ali on the bastard."

Sylvia could only sigh, men and their testosterone.

Furthermore, the guide took them to see the spiders, she stood next to a polymer glass tank and gestured at the arachnid inside it. The woman began to share valuable information with the students, though no one besides the Osborn girl was taking notes. Sylvia enjoyed researching, she loved learning new things and sharing them with someone, which is why she was actively taking notes as the guide carried on with her speech.

"... for example, the Delena spider, family Sparassidae, has the ability to jump to catch its prey." As in cue, the students watch the spider jump from one branch to another skillfully.

Harvey looked impressed. "The spider is definitely a paid actor."

Sylvia bit down her lower lip and wrote down the unfamiliar names, so she could research them later at home. "Delena spider... Sparassidae... research."

Harry chuckled at his brother's comment but immediately shut up when he caught the teacher's stare. Peter raised his camera and glanced at the guide for permission. "For the school paper?"

The guide gave him a nod. "Sure."

Peter leveled the camera to his eye before snapping a picture, but as he did, one of the big guys standing beside him bumped his shoulder with his. Sylvia immediately noticed the strange behavior, the sandy blonde Osborn girl was very familiar with bullying, after all, she attended an all-girls boarding school. It ain't all sunshine and rainbows. Girls can be nasty too.

"Next," The guide moved on to the next stand, a blond boy bumped into Peter and intentionally dragged him along with him. "We have the net web spider, family Filistatidae genus kukulcania."

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