The Quadfather

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The Harper boys and Y/n are sitting at the cafe in Tom's Get Sporty. It's the quad's tenth birthday tomorrow and they're all super excited.

"Hey, guys. Help me out," Josie, a friend of the Harpers, begs. "I need a name for my band."

"Dirty Sponge?" Dicky proposes.

"Empty Cup," Ricky mentions.

Josie realizes what they're doing and looks at them in disbelief. "You're saying things that are in front of you."

"Girl Without a Band Name?" Dicky says, proving Josie's point.

She suddenly smiles and agrees, "That's not bad. That's not bad," she repeats.

"Really, Josie? What about The Rampaging Rockers?" Y/n suggests.

"That's actually really good!" Josie squeals.

"Check it out, womb-mates and friend." Y/n and the boys turn around to see Dawn approaching them. "In honor of our tenth birthday, I made a little slideshow with all our old pictures. I call it, 'Dawn and the Other Three.'"

"Look how young I was," Dicky points out in awe. "Didn't even have my beard back then," he proudly states while rubbing his chin.

"And you don't have one now," Ricky states.

"Y/n sees it. Right, Y/n?" Dicky asks, turning toward her.

She bends down and takes a look. "I'm pretty sure that's chocolate," she utters, grabbing the closest rag and using it to wipe the chocolate off. "See?"

"Don't look now, but I think I see some soon-to-be-ten-year-olds," Anne declares as she and Tom walk up to the children.

"Uh-oh! Better start saving for college," Tom jokes. He then quickly adds, "Seriously, I need to get on that."

"We're just so excited that our babies are about to turn the big 'one-o,'" Anne sings the last part while pulling her children into a hug.

"We're not babies anymore," Ricky sings back.

"And we're in public," Dawn adds.

"Anne, stop," Tom tells his wife. "You're embarrassing them," he says in a serious tone of voice. He then jumps next to them and asks, "Now, which one of you is most excited for tonight's visit from the Quadfather?"

"The what-father?" Josie wonders, completely confused.

"The Quadfather. He's the mystical being that visits quadruplets all over the world the week of their birthdays for a little sit-down." Tom creepily laughs before continuing. "You see, because quadruplets have to share the same birthday, the Quadfather grants each of them their own special exchange, of course, for a nice Italian meal. Then on the day of their party, he magically appears and makes those wishes come true," he says, finishing his story.

"So why is he a beaver?" Josie asks.

"Yeah, I've actually always wondered that, too," Y/n mentions.

"Oh, you are gonna love this," Tom speaks, about to tell them the answer when Dicky interrupts, randomly popping up with something stuck to his chin.

"Hey, Daddy-o. Check out my jazz beard," Dicky tells his dad.

Tom leans closer and gets a big whiff of the smell. "Oh, pepper," he realizes right before it causes him to sneeze extremely loud. "Ah! An olive," he observes. The children look down to see an olive, that flew out of his mouth, sitting on his sleeve. "When did I have olives?" he questions.

"And why didn't you chew it?" his wife wonders.

"I don't know," he responds as they walk away.

"You guys must be super stoked the Quadfather is coming," Josie happily guesses as they turn back toward her.

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