Information (English)

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I'm glad you found your way here.

I think you opened the Book because you need a Cover.
Here's a short explanation.

Before we start, please make sure to point out that the cover was not created by you.

The next chapters are for the application.
In the first step you have to choose the category or genre of your book, because the finished covers will be published in a separate book.
If allowed, I would also publish your blurb.
If you have chosen your category, it is important that you write the request with as much information as possible.
Otherwise of course I can't do the covers.

If your request has been accepted, I would like to offer you to view the drafts on Instagram beforehand.
I will notify you via message when I accept your order.

If you change or even delete your profile, please let me know. I will mark the chapters with an ❌ ​​when the covers are not used. However, this means that the right to use the cover does not apply unless a request is made again.
The ❌ is also used, if the cover has not been used after two weeks.

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