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Walburga Black has always wanted a child of her own. Preferably a girl, so when she fell pregnant the first time she was very disappointed to learn that it was a boy. Sirius Black.

Then she was disappointed yet again when she had another boy. Regulus Black.

But only three years after Regulus had been born, she fell pregnant once again and her prayers were finally answered.

October 25th 1964 was a cold and rainy night. but was a joyous night for the Black family. A little girl was finally born to the Black family.

Three year old Regulus and six year old Sirius were lead to their mother's room by a nurse. "Now remember you two, you must be quiet because your mother is very tired and the baby might be sleeping." The nurse told them. They only nodded. The nurse opened the door and the boys stepped into the room cautiously, not wanting to disturb anyone. They saw their mother, who did indeed look very tired, and their father standing by the bed, obviously waiting for them. "Boys, come here" Orion said, his voice was oddly soft and that made the boys even more cautious, since that was something they never heard in their fathers voice. They listened to their father and made their way over to him and their mother. Their father lifting them onto the bed so they were both on either side of Walburga. Now they could finally see what had their mother looking so happy. Their baby sister. They could see her clearly now. A mop of thick, black curls sat on her head, her eyes were wide with curiosity, her button nose, and plump rosey lips. She looked just like their mother. And Sirius, but that was because Sirius already looked like their mother except for the eyes. His eyes were dark brown while his mother's and baby sisters were a blue - grey.


The next month Cygnus and Druella Black took their daughters, 13 year old Bellatrix, 11 year old Andromeda, and 9 year old Narcissa too meet their new cousin. They kept a very close eye on Bellatrix the whole time because she was usually a very violent child and most likely would hurt the baby if given the chance. Andromeda liked the new baby but she wasn't very fond of her. Narcissa absolutely adored her new baby cousin because now she had someone too play with. Bellatrix surprised them all when they saw how careful she was with Arya, and even more surprised when she looked up at Orion and Walburga with big, curious eyes and asked "can I give her a nickname of her own, one that only I could call her?" They were all dumbstruck but Walburga quickly recovered and told her she could. Orion, Cygnus, and Druella still had their mouths open in shock. From that day on Bellatrix and Arya were very close. Narcissa and Arya were also very close, but not as close as Bellatrix and Arya. Andromeda and Arya got along but they didn't spend time together if they didn't have too.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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