Cody's little lover

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Cody woke up later in the day at 10,and when he went down to the lower bunker everyone told him what happened to Quickshadow. Yes Cody was worried but then he remembered that Frankie wanted help with Cece. So he got on his hover board and went up to doc's lab.

Frankie:hey Cody! She said with excitement.

Cody:hey Frankie. Hey Cece.

Frankie:I heard what happened to Quickshadow. How's she doing? She asked with concern.

Cody:I don't know haven't checked I was going to but then I remembered you wanted help with Cece.

Cody:uhh Frankie I have a question?

Frankie:ya Cody.

Cody:umm what's the feeling you get when you can't get someone out of your head? And you want to always be around them?

Frankie:ohh you like someone don't you? In a testing tone.

Cody:no no no no I won't believe for a second that I'm in love. While crossing his arms. Him turned bring red with that idea in mind now.

Cody:besides I met him yesterday. He covered his mouth with disbelief those words came out of his mouth.

Frankie:aw so you have a crush on a boy how cute. While they were walking inside the lab.

For a while thay where talking about school thing's and Frankie wouldn't stop bring up the fact that Cody has a crush. Cece went to her room to play dolls and also not to here about this lovey stuff. Cody's dad called him and they stopped the conversation. Frankie leaned in closer to here what he was saying.

Chief:there's a fire on main Street . Check the cameras.

Cody and Frankie both checked the cameras and Amy's house was one fire. Amy was out but Uno was no where in site. Cody got on the comes saying Uno still might be inside the house and can't get out. Frankie zoomed in on the cameras and saw Uno was waving his hand out the window trying to get fresh air. Cody was worried and so was Amy. All the bots got there and Heatwave started to put out the fire while the others made sure everyone else is ok. Kade ran in to see if he could find Uno, he was past out on the floor of his room but the flames were right in front of him so he couldn't get to Uno. Kade could feel the flames getting closer and the smoke clouding his way. "Screw it" he said, running in to the fire and picking him up gently Kade ran back out of the house to the bots.

Amy:Uno!! She said while running to Kade.

Danni:I'll take him to the hospital, Amy you come too. She said landing blades.

1 hour later

Amy was pacing back and forth of the room where the doctors took Uno. She felt so irresponsible for not trying to get her little brother out of his room. Danni tried to comfort her saying everything is gonna be alright. The others were trying to see what could cause this big of a house fire. Back at the lab Cody said bye to Frankie to go to the hospital to see if he was ok. As he was on his way to the hospital he was thinking to himself why dose he care so much about this kid? The felling of butterflies in his stomach was strong. Do I really like this boy if I'm so concerned about him? He brushed the felling of and was soon to the hospital. He got off his bored and went inside and saw Danni and Amy.

Cody:Amy, Danni is Uno ok?

Amy:we don't know he's still in the room behind us. She said with tears forming in her eye.

Cody hugged her say everything was gonna be alright. Cody already knew what it was like to have someone you love and them almost not make it. The memories of that day his dad almost died replayed. He snapped out of that horrible memory when the doctor said "alright Amy you can go and see him". Amy ran into the room and saw her brother was ok. Cody could see that Uno was ok now , poking his head into the door.

Cody's Little Lover (Cody X Oc) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ