"What?" Muzan asked, confused.

"Tsukihiko-san..." she said. "aren't you forgetting someone?"

It took him a few seconds, but Muzan realized who she was talking about. Muzan turned around, only to see his daughter with a sad face and puppy eyes, arms outstretched and asking for a hug. Sighing, he went over and embraced the little girl. Her tiny body warmed his arms as they squeezed tightly around her. It was a strange experience. Most of the time, he could do the hugging thing as normally as he would have raised a finger, but at this state, when he was emotionally vulnerable, it felt both disgusting and comforting at the same time.

Something is wrong with me.

Muzan then pulled away from the hug and said a quick 'good night' to the girl before exiting the room. He closed the door and heard it's satisfying click sound. Finally, he could get back to what really mattered. His demon empire.

But... did that matter anymore, now that he had no other way to find immortality? Yes, the Kamado girl could be used for experiments, and he could find out if she had the key to conquering the sun, but there's something that had been frustrating him about that girl.

The less demonic she was, the less that common demon weaknesses could hurt her.

He knew that the Kamado girl's unwillingness to drink human blood was causing some type of reaction inside her, and that was a problem. It meant that the more human she tried to become, the more immune she would be. Muzan didn't want to be human, he wanted to be a god! To kill whoever he pleases, to feast on the blood of humanity. But now, he's not even sure if he can accomplish that anymore.

That's when Muzan realized that this entire journey was just a guessing game. Creating demons and waiting for one to RANDOMLY become immune to the sun, hunting around for the Blue Spider Lily because he ASSUMES that it could make him immune to the sun. All this time, he was hoping that he would get what he wanted. He was chasing nothing but a dream. He would always be incomplete, never accomplishing his one desi-


Muzan woke up from his long and depressing contemplation of his purpose in life, and turned his head to look at Tsukahiro. Beautiful, sweet Tsukahiro. He had never really cared for the woman, but now that he felt like he had no purpose, his heart was desperate enough to consider her as someone to look into.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Muzan turned his head away. "Nothing. It's all fine."

"You're lying." she said. "I know you, Tsuki."

Muzan chuckled at this, both at how untrue this was, and also how she called him Tsuki, a nickname she only used when she was flirting at him. "Tsuka, you have no idea who I am."

"Oh really?" she asked.

"Mhm." Muzan replied.

"Prove it." she challenged him.

"You think I'm lying." he answered.

Instead of Tsuka laughing at this, as Muzan expected her to do, her face instead dropped from flirty to concerned. "Tsuki... you can tell me what's going on."

Muzan snorted and started walking away, passing the hallways of their luxurious mansion of a 'home' that Muzan had only walked through a few times. "I'm serious, Tsuka. There's nothing bothering me tonight."

"Then why are you acting like someone else?" she asked.

This made Muzan stop dead in his tracks.

Did I slip up?

She never said that about him. His shapeshifting skills never failed him like this. Trying to hide his trembling hands, he put them in his pockets and turned back. "W-what do you mean?"

Tsunami of Dead Tears: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now