"I thought they were happy?"

"They're very good at pretending. There's a tension surrounding the city, because people are afraid of what she might do. Everything King Fitzgerald implemented is still there, but they're afraid she's going to make changes that'll ruin everything. Ever since he took over from his Father, things have been so much better and they don't want things to go back to the way they were."

"So, what's going to happen now that Grant isn't getting married?"

She shrugged. "I don't know, but I'm worried. For him, for the people, and for you."

I feel sick.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to warn you."

"No, no it's okay. I'm just... processing."

She stood and helped me up. "I'd ask you to walk out with me, but there's eyes everywhere and I don't want it to get back to Her Majesty that we were speaking."

I nodded.

She gave me a quick hug, one I didn't have time to return, then left. I felt so dizzy after everything she dropped on me. I can't lie, I've never liked the feeling the Queen gave me. I always felt so uneasy around her, but I thought that was just me feeling scrutinized. I never imagined there was anything I needed to be worried about. Something inside of me knew I needed to get to that study now.

I quickly finished putting the rest of the books back, then took a deep breath before walking into the hallway. There were guards everywhere, not to mention maids and butlers, and I didn't want them to be suspicious of anything. Luckily I don't have anyone breathing down my neck all the time like the rest of the family, so it wasn't long before I was completely alone and could walk into the study without anyone seeing.

Once inside, I started with the books directly behind Max's father's desk and was so happy when I found the year I was looking for. However, my heart sank when I found the corresponding dates, with nothing written beyond that. These books, they're essentially journals kept by those currently ruling, and King Fitzgerald never had another entry in 2019.

This isn't good.

I took the book and tried my best to sneak up to my room. I was hoping Max would eventually show up, and I was right. He knocked after a few hours of me sitting in a chair, silently dreading what I was about to show him. Especially when he walked in and looked so happy. I really didn't want to ruin that, but I can't keep this to myself. Not if what I suspect happened is what actually happened.

"Hey, there you are," he said when he saw me, with a massive smile. He walked over and sat on the table in front of me, letting his hands rest on my knees. I tried my best to smile, but he saw right through me. "What's wrong?"

"I talked to Karina and–"

He sighed and soothingly rubbed over the purple tulle of my dress. "I'm sorry. I was hoping she'd leave right after we talked."

It felt so weird to hear him talk without the accent, but dressed like a fairytale prince at the same time.

"She wasn't too awful was she?"

"No, not at all."

"So, if that's not what's bothering you, what is?"

I handed him his dad's journal, already opened to the right page, before he could say anything else.

"What am I looking at?"

I pointed to the date. It took him a second, but finally I could see the look in his eyes shift. They weren't humorous and light anymore, they were sad and concerned.

"The note."


"Someone ordered the captain to kill him?"

"I think so. We'll find out who, I promise."

I didn't want to tell him that I suspected his mother. I mean, I don't have any proof. All I have is this feeling and this pit in my stomach that's screaming she's behind this. Besides, maybe I'm wrong and I'm just a little on edge about what Karina had told me.

When I realized Max hadn't said anything for a few minutes, I leaned forward and gently took his hand, the one that wasn't still holding the book. "Are you okay?"

"I'm just... thinking. And mourning," he admitted.

"Is there anyone that would've wanted him..." I couldn't even bring myself to say it.

"No, everyone loves–loved–him. But Arya..." He snapped the book shut and stood. "I should've listened to her."

"What do you mean?"

"For the last couple years, she's been trying to convince me that something was wrong with Dad's death. She couldn't believe it was an accident. It's why she was there in New York all that time. Why she pushed you and forced you to come here, forced me to come here. She knew something was wrong and she needed my help, but I never... I never believed her. I should've..." His groan was rough and on the verge of being a scream as his hands when to his hair. He's quickly spiraling.

I stood and grabbed his wrists, then laced our hands together. "Don't do this to yourself. What's important is that you're here now and we'll figure this out. Together. I won't go home until this is solved."

"Aston, no. I can't ask you to do that. Your friends and family are probably so worried about you."

"I saw what his death did to you, so I'm staying and we're finding out the truth."

He sighed and pulled me in for a hug. I took a deep breath when I felt his arms go around around me. For once it felt like I was the rock holding him together.

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