20. The Man With The Axe

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So Harry does.

He sets him on the countertop of the kitchen island and gets out the pan.

But apparently, Louis now wants to prove that he is indeed able to make pancakes and orders Harry to sit on one of the bar stools while he makes them breakfast.

It's torture, really.

How someone can be so fucking uncoordinated in the kitchen, it's painful to watch.

He doesn't want to say anything and just watches, fighting against the tingle in his fingertips that wants him to get up and snatch the pan out of Louis hands to save their breakfast.

Instead, being the great boyfriend he is, he congratulates him and eats the horrible, ugly pancakes, even giving Louis a kiss for that... thing.

Just because he's cute and pretty and everything Harry will ever need in his life.

Afterwards they go back to their rooms and sit on the bed, mentally preparing themselves to talk to Simon for a few minutes.

"Simon treats us like gods. He ignores us until he needs something from us."
Harry tries to lift the tension and Louis gives him a tight smile, signalizing him that he appreciates the try but it still didn't work.

They just stare at the phone that lays peacefully between them, not making a noise.

Until Louis picks it up with sudden force and unlocks it, going to recent calls and hesitating for a second before pressing the display right where Simon's name stands. At that moment they both just hope that nobody would pick up. But sadly, Simon does, after the third ring.


"Hey Simon." Louis says and forces politeness into his voice.

Harry takes his hand and intertwines their fingers to calm him.
It works, at least a bit as Louis' facial features relax the slightest.

"Hello, Louis. Is Harry with you?"

"Yeah, I'm here." Harry answers.

"Good. I don't have time for small talk, so let's get straight to business."

It's so typical Simon. Being rude like that and adding the word straight forcefully.

He always does it and empathizes on that word every time.

"This whole thing with you two being on your four year honeymoon or whatever this shit is, is getting out of hand. You have to leave that fucking castle and stop living in your own Disney movie and do something for the fans."

Louis rolls his eyes. "And what exactly do we have to do?"

They both know better than to comment on Simon's comments. It's a waste of time and energy to start a fight over his rudeness and homophobia since they already tried that so many times.

"Louis, it's time for another public encounter with Eleanor."

Louis closes his eyes and bites his lip.

"No." Harry says.

"Yes." Simon replies, sounding just as annoyed as them, just because of a different reason.

"We don't have to do what you want anymore. Things changed and we're not eighteen anymore."

Simon sighs dramatically. "Last time I checked you were still in contract with me. Actually, I have it right in front of me right now. The contract you signed. Both of you. And it's until November 2021."

"That's not even one month." Louis says and they share a pointed look, hands squeezing the other for comfort.

"It's not. But right now, it's still very valuable. And you both know you can't do anything against it. So. Louis, a driver will bring you back here to London this afternoon and you will go to a cafe with Eleanor. I decided that it's time for you to propose to her, so-"

the royal family of the music industry Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora